Alice 01, Alice 001 (amendments to Carrol, in the words of Alice)

Polárka Theatre, Brno, Czech Republic, 2003
Authors: Lewis Carroll, Miroslav Oščatka
Directed by Martin Čičvák

about the production

A strictly stylised, minimalist feast for eyes with specific logic of thinking and acting of the characters – a stage dream presented in the direction of Martin Čičvák. (...) Martin Čičvák built the production as a free sequence of almost statuesque scenes with a highly stylised acting and a fairly loose story, where the story’s development is not important at all. The visual part of the performance, absurd situations, and nonsense, often strangely connected to the present days, all this is important. (...) In any case, what Čičvák and Ciller, the stage designer and the initiator of this production, succeeded to enchant on the stage of the Polárka Theatre, can only hardly be rivalled by anything in contemporary Czech theatre, lost in TV-like civil acting and musical hip-hopping. For the authors of this production have touched the borderline where theatre changed into magic.

Roman Sikora, Večerní Brno

All characters of that world are strange, each is characterised by a bizarre detail. The rabbit has on his head a big white hairy masque with big ears and he holds castanets in his hands, (...) the mother wants to lullaby her baby and next to her there is a cook with a knife, (...) the baby starts crying, but his cry sounds like pig’s grunting (...). The whole play is full with free associations and magic dream links, in which the relation of cause and effect does not play any role. We can see a sequence of compelling images, where nobody answers anybody’s question to learn anything new. (...) After four years of its existence, Polárka is still a solitaire theatre that cannot be slipped over. The audience does not go to its performances to see the actors, but for outstanding original performances created by directors with their own viewpoint (Čičvák, Oščatka, Mikulášek).

Petr Christov, Divadelní noviny



directed by Martin Čičvák
theatre adaptation: Miroslav Oščatka
concept and set: Tom Ciller
dramaturgy: Dora Viceniková, Martin Čičvák
costumes: Kamila Polívková
music: Karel Albrecht
Lukáš Rieger, Jana Horčičková, Jiřina Koňuchová, Petra Hřebíčková, Sergej Sanža, Helena Plecháčková, Sylba Vespalcová, Isabela Bencová, Petr Král, Jan Kruba, Viktor Čepl, David Smečka, Jiří Skovajsa, Jiří Ressler, Robert Musialek



Martin Čičvák (1975) 

A graduate in directing in the Drama Faculty at JAMU Brno (1999). He started working in Slovakia, where he comes from, but his professional career developed in the Czech Republic. During his studies, he was a resident at Darlington College of Arts and the Grace Theatre London. He directed: Beckett: Waiting for Godot, Bernhard: Teátermacher, Shakespeare: Richard III. (State Theatre, Košice), Brecht: A Good Man from Sezuan (SNP Theatre, Martin), Bernhard: Immanuel Kant, Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Strauss: Ithaca, Kafka: The Castle (National Theatre, Brno), Büchner: Woyzeck, Suchovo-Kobylin: The Trial (trilogy), Molière: Le Misanthrope (Činoherní klub, Prague), Brecht: Baal, Pushkin: Evgeny Onegin (Marta Studio at the Drama Faculty JAMU, Brno), opera Juliet (Montagues and Capulets) (Josef Kajetán Tyl Theatre, Pilsen). He collaborated with the Polárka Theatre, Divadlo v 7 1/2 and other theatres in Brno. He was awarded the Alfréd Radok Prize in 1999 as the talent of the year.


Materials available

Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: CZ

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