about the production
The Story of a Real Gulliver belongs to those stage productions which turned to be an unfrequent pleasant occurrence. It is a stage production of both a deep idea and a suggestive shape. There is a permanently present balance between the meaning and the expression. There is a basic dramatic situation and a plethora of partial dramatic situations resulting from it and leading to it as well, a way how they are solved and treated is almost archetypal and it thoroughly links and switches over to all component parts of a theatrical work – a child is top and final promoterof the given dispositions…"
(Bulletin "A Child in a Theatre – Šal'a '95)
director and stage set: Dušan Vicen
production: team of the ensemble
music: compilation of a variety of performers
cast: Mária Révajová, Jožo Hrubiak, Katka Rusnáková, Tóno Tarčák, Jana Ďubeková, Marián Vargončík, Táňa Tarčáková, Marián Juritka, Matilda Tarčáková, Marcel Metes, Martina Skurčáková, Slávo Kajanovič, Tóno Révaj
Dušan Vicen (born in 1966), a teacher by profession, became known as a founder of the Slovak amateur Theatre "Ka" in Tvrdošín where he wrote and directed the plays: Dodo (1990), Homo Yoga (1991), P.P.P. (1992), Patláma, Patláma… (1993). In 1994,
after the Tvrdošín theatre ensemble ceased, Vicen collaborated with the DISK Theatre ensemble of Trnava. The result of such a cooperation is a stage production Carravana, the guest performance of which will be given at the Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra '94. In 1994, D. Vicen established jointly with Silvester Lavrík and Karol Horváth an association called The Theatre Group of Merry Teachers and he directed the play Oidipus by K. Horváth. In 1993, Dušan Vicen began to co-work with children from Oravská Polhora. Their mutual cooperation gave birth to two authorship stage productions based on the motifs of the known books: Waiting for Alice (1994) and The Story of a Real Gulliver (1995). In 1994, Vicen prepared a staged poetry called Break on Trough with students of the Grammar School in Námestovo. All stage productions were presented at top amateur theatre shows and some of them also abroad (Hungary, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic).