Search Year All Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Author All Author Adasinskiy Anton Alexijevich Svetlana ALIS Anouilh Jean Archa Theatre Archer Ivan Arrabal Fernando Aulitisová Katarína Avdal Heine Røsdal Babeľ Isaak Baele Bart Baláz Zoltán Balek Vladimír Ballek Rastislav Bart Walter Bataille Baudelaire Bauersima Igor Bechtel Clemens Beckett Samuel Bednárik Vít Beeck Op de Hans Benka Miroslav Bernhard Thomas Bíró Yvette Blisson Cathy Bodó Viktor Boer Lodewijk de Bojčev Christo Bolesto Robert Borges Jorge Luis Borna Jan Borralho Ana Braga André Brajerčík Peter Brama Sashko Brecht Bertolt Břenek Jiří Březina Aleš Brodskij Josif Brooks Pete Brtnický Vojtěch Bryll Ernest Büchner Georg Buchty a loutky Burgr Ľubomír Buysser De Pieter Cărbunariu Gianina Carr Marina Carroll Lewis Čep Jan Cervantes Miguel de Charbonneau Pierre-Henri Charnock Nigel Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Cherkaoui Sidi Larbi Chrobák Dobroslav Chutnik Sylwia Čičvák Martin Cíger-Hronský Jozef collective of authors Copperová Kelly Corneille Pierre Costa João Cvejić Bojana Danilov Dimitry Dante Emma Daubnerová Sláva David Karel Davies Paul Debris Company Defoort Kris Degryse Yves Deml Jakub Dionísio Tiago Ditte Michal Djilas Ivana Dohnal Martin Dohnány Mikuláš Dörner Jan Dörnerová Milena Dorst Tankred Dostoyevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich Dubačová Viera Dušek Jaroslav Eco Umberto El Khoury Tania Etchells Tim Eulate Ana Euripides Fábián Gábor Fassbinder Rainer Werner Feldek Ľubomír Fertacz Magda Figueiredo Claudia Flory Lenka Forced Entertainment Forgács Miklós Fornayová Petra Frąckowiak Bartosz Frenák Pál Friel Brian Fritsch Herbert Fruček Jozef Funke Dunja Galante João Gamanová Anna García Rodrigo Gärtnerová Katarzyna Gary Didier Genty Philippe Ghelderode Michel de Gindl Eugen Gluck Willibald Christoph Goethe Johann Wolfgang Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich Goldstine Petter Alexander Gombár Dodo Gombrovicz Witold Gombrowicz Witold Gontko Ivan Gorky Maxim Götz Rainald Gounod Charles Gremina Yelena Grusková Anna Gruwez Lisbeth Hakim Adel Hanzlík Ivan Hare David Harrower David Hauptmann Gerhart Havelka Jiří Hebbel Friedrich Heidegger Martin Heller Joseph Hervieu Dominique Hicks Chris Hollý Jozef Homolová Michaela Horáček Míla Horák Karol Horváth Ödön von Houellebecq Michel Hromádka Petr Hrubaničová Ingrid Hybler Jakub Ibsen Henrik Ionesco Eugène Jablonská Anna Jahn Hans Henny Jakubisko Juraj Jamet Sylvestre Janíček Šimon Janša Janez Jansen Matijs Jařab David Jelčić Bobo Jeli András Jelinek Elfriede Johnson Terry Junxiang Ji Juráček Pavel Jurijev Oleg Kafka Franz Kalinka Andrej Kalivoda Jan Kane Sarah Kapetanea Linda Karásek Miloš Károly Kazimir Kelemen Kristóf Kerata Laco Kerékgyártó István Khodabakhshi Jonaid Kireńczuk Tomasz Klata Jan Kleist Heinrich von Klepáč Antonín Klimáček Viliam Knausgárd Karl Ove Kočan Mikuláš Kohout Jiří Koltès Bernard-Marie Kolyada Nikolay Kopp Dennis Korenči Štefan Kovač Iztok Kovács D. Dániel Krakowska Joanna Krasula Jozef Krejčí Hubert Kristof Agota Kroetz Franz Xaver Krymov Dimitrij Kukučín Martin Kundera Milan Kyrmezer Pavol LaBute Neil Lacoste Joris Langerová Žo Lartigue Pierre Lasica Milan Lauwers Jan Lermontov Mikhail Yurevich Liška Pavol Littell Jonathan Loher Dea Lomnický Peter Lorca Federico García Lupi Magdalena and co. Maayan David Macmilan Duncan Macras Constanza Majewski Sebastian Majling Daniel Maliti-Fraňová Eva Mankovecký Róbert Marber Patrick Marek Petr Marivaux Pierre de Marlowe Christopher Martinka Ivan Marx Karl Masters Eduard Lee Masłowska Dorota McCartney Nicola McClintock James McDonagh Martin Mérimée Prosper Mizera Ivan Mohácsi István Mohácsi János Moldvai Márk Molière Molnár Ferenc Montalvo José Morávek Vladimír Morgenstern Christian Mosiewicz Magda Mroué Rabih Mrożek Slawomir Mrštík Alois Mrštík Vilém Mukhina Olga Müller Heiner Müller Ivana Mundruczó Kornél Munyaneza Dorothée Nadj Josef and co. Naglik Hana Nebeský Jan Needcompany Nekvasil Jiří Nosov Nikolai Novák jr. Rostislav Novák sr. Rostislav Obaldia René de Ojasoo Tiit Oľha Matúš Olsten Agnieszka Ondrišová Šárka Orton Quindell Oščatka Miroslav Ostermaier Albert Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolayevich Ouředník Patrik Pálinkás Bence Gyorgy Palmetshofer Ewald Panzavolta Alessandro Paravidino Fausto Parker David Pauw De Josse Pavlac Peter Pavlovich Boris Pedroso Martim Penim Pedro Pintér Béla Pinto Inbal Pitínský Jan Antonín Pivovar Marek Platel Alain Pohl Klaus Polák Pavel Polevoy Boris Policarpo Jaume Pollack Martin Pommerat Joel Preissová Gabriela Procházka Tomáš Przybyszewska Stanisława Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich Quintas Rudolfo Rajković Nataša Raspová Renate Rau Milo Ravenhill Mark Rázusová – Martáková Mária Rázusová Júlia Recacha Mercedes Reynek Bohuslav Rezig Jasmina Ricozzi Michèle Ritsema Jan Róbert Júlia Roth Joseph Rozner Ján Rubin Wiktor Russell Willy Saar Hannah Saavedra Anna Saccomano Olivier Sadur Nina Sandroni Simone Santasangre Satinský Július Scherhaufer Peter Schiller Friedrich Schilling Árpád Schimmelpfennig Roland Schubert Franz Schwenk Isabel Semper Ene-Liis Seneca Shaffer Peter Shakespeare William Sigarev Vasiliy Sikorska-Miszczuk Małgorzata Šikula Vincent Simović Ljubomir Škripková Iveta SKUTR Sládek Milan Slančíková-Timrava Božena Sliacky Ondrej Sloboda Rudolf Smolík Robert Sokolov Sasha Sopkovičová Patrícia Sperr Martin Śpiewak Tomas Spišák Ondrej Spregelburd Rafael Stephens Simon Štepka Stanislav Štivičić Tena Štrbák Ján Strindberg August Strugatsky Boris & Arkadij Suassuna Ariano Šulaj Ondrej Sundvor Yngve Sutherland Ross Švábová Veronika Švejda Vojtěch Taha Anmar Tálská Eva Tasnádi István Teodósio e. André Theatre of the 8th Day Thomas Jérôme Tobiáš Egon Tolstaya Tatiana Tolstoy Lev Nikolayevich Tománek Karel František Treplev Konstantin Uhde Milan Uhlár Blaho Uhlár Blaho and co. Urzidil Johannes Vajanský Svetozár Hurban Vajdička Michal Vámoš Gejza Vampilov Alexander Venclík Vlastimil Verdensteatret Veress Anna Vicen Dušan Vicen Dušan and comp. Vladimírov Vladimír Hurban Vosátko Karol Vostrý Jaroslav Votava Aleš Vůjtek Tomáš Vyrypajev Ivan Vyrypayev Ivan Warner Julian Wedekind Frank Wesker Arnold Williams Sandy Witkiewicz Stanisław Ignacy Wojcieszek Przemysław Wright Luke Yerofeyev Venedikt Zábranský David Zahn Oliver Zaides Arkadi Závada Péter Zboroň Vlado Zhivadinov Dragan Ziemilski Wojtek Žiška Kamil Country All Country Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Iraq Israel Italy Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Moldova Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands Ukraine United Kingdom USA Yugoslavia Directed by All Directed by Abadjieva Lilia Adasinskiy Anton Afrim Radu Alföldi Róbert ALIS Amsler Marián Antol Milan Arden Annabel Árkosi Árpad Ascher Tamás Aulitisová Katarína Avdal Heine Røsdal Baele Bart Baláz Zoltán Balázs Zoltán Ballek Rastislav Bambušek Miroslav Bart Walter Bass Eric Batalov Talgat Bechtel Clemens Bednárik Jozef Bednárik Vít Beeck Op de Hans Beke Sándor Benka Miroslav Blažek Pavel Blisson Cathy Bodd Lisbeth J. Bodó Viktor Borczuch Michał Borna Jan Boross Martin Borralho Ana Bosch Jan-Willem van den Braga André Brama Sashko Braunschweig Stéphane Břenek Jiří Brooks Pete Brtnický Vojtěch Buchty a loutky Burgr Ľubomír Buysser De Pieter Cărbunariu Gianina Casagrande Enrico Charbonneau Pierre-Henri Charnock Nigel Cherkaoui Sidi Larbi Čičvák Martin Cieplak Piotr Copperová Kelly Costa João Csányi János Cvejić Bojana Czajlik József Dabija Alexandru Dante Emma Daubnerová Sláva David Karel and company Defoort Kris Degryse Yves Dionísio Tiago Ditte Jurčová Iveta Ditte Michal Djilas Ivana Dočekal Michal Donnellan Declan Dörner Jan Dörnerová Milena Dubačová Viera Dušek Jaroslav Duzdyński Zygmund El Khoury Tania Eszenyi Enikö Etchells Tim Eulate Ana Fedotov Sergej Fekete Vladislava Ferancová Soňa Filip Jaroslav Flory Lenka Fonzo Bo Di Marcial Forgács Miklós Fornayová Petra Frenák Pál Frey Damir Zlatar Fridrichová Mária Fritsch Herbert Frljić Oliver Fruček Jozef Gábor Peter Galante João Gamanová Anna García Rodrigo Garraud Nathalie Gary Didier Genty Philippe Ginkas Kama Goldflam Arnošt Goldstine Petter Alexander Gombár Dodo Gotscheff Dimiter Graham Scott Gruwez Lisbeth Hakim Adel Hanzlík Ivan Hatina Mišo Havelka Jiří Hermanis Alvis Hervieu Dominique Hicks Chris Hoggett Steven Holiček Braňo Holub Ivan Homolová Michaela Horst d’Albertis Grzegorz Horvat Sebastijan Houben Jos Hriešik Maja Hrubaničová Ingrid Huba Martin Hybler Jakub Ingvartsen Mette Jamet Sylvestre Janezič Tomi Janíček Šimon Janiczak Jolanta Janša Janez Jansen Matijs Jařab David Jarocki Jerzy Jarzyna Grzegorz Jelčić Bobo Kákoš Martin Kalinka Andrej Kalivoda Jan Kambarev Stoyan Kapetanea Linda Karásek Miloš Kelemen Kristóf Kennedy Suzanne Klata Jan Kleczewska Maja Klimáček Viliam Kolyada Nikolay Komaro Maksim Korenči Štefan Koršunovas Oskaras Kovač Iztok Kováčová Monika Kovács D. Dániel Kovalik Balázs Kozmenko-Delinde Valentin Krakowska Joanna Krasula Jozef Krejčí Hubert Krejčí Ivan Kriegenburg Andreas Krobot Miroslav Krofta Jakub Krymov Dimitrij Kudláč Eduard Lacascade Eric Lacoste Joris Lančarič Patrik Lauwers Jan Lavrík Silvester Lébl Petr Lelková Alena Leszczuk Horst Liber Marcin Liška Pavol Lupi Magdalena Luterán Ján Maayan David Macras Constanza Malgot Veronika Marek Petr Martinka Ivan Mazalán Peter Mazúch Braňo Meleshkina-Smilková Oxana Merkx Moniek Mesguich Daniel Meyssat Bruno Mihálek Miro Mikulášek Jan Mikulík Peter Miler Eduard Miśkiewicz Paveł Moguchy Andrey Mohácsi János Montalvo José Morávek Vladimír Morfov Alexander Morrison Lucy Mosiewicz Magda Mroué Rabih Müller Ivana Mundruczó Kornél Munyaneza Dorothée Nadj Josef Nebeský Jan Nekrošius Eimuntas Nekvasil Jiří Nicoló Daniela Nilsen Asle Novák Rostislav Novotná Irena Nübling Sebastian Nvota Juraj Ojasoo Tiit Olekšák Roman Oľha Matúš Olsten Agnieszka Ondrišová Šárka Ondrušová Lýdia Pálinkás Bence Gyorgy Panzavolta Alessandro Pařízek Dušan D. Pauw De Josse Pavlovich Boris Pecko Marián Pedroso Martim Penim Pedro Pezzotti Luigi Piktor Ľubomír Pintér Béla Pitínský Jan Antonín Platel Alain Pograjc Matjaž Pogrebnitchko Youri Pokorný Jiří Polák Roman Policarpo Jaume Polívková Kamila Pollak Avshalom Porubjak Martin Prážmári Jozef Procházka Tomáš Quintas Rudolfo Raczak Lech Rae Nola Rajković Nataša Rau Milo Rázusová Júlia Recacha Mercedes Red Pilot Ritsema Jan Rubin Wiktor Ruszt József Rychcik Radek Ryzhakov Viktor Saccomano Olivier Sandroni Simone Santasangre Scherhaufer Peter Schilling Árpád Semper Ene-Liis Serebrennikov Kirill Sīlis Valters Simons Johan SKUTR Smocz Agnieszka Smolík Robert Sopkovičová Patrícia Spišák Ondrej Spišák Šimon Sprušanský Svetozár Stam Igor Stanev Ivan Stemann Nicolas Štorcelová Laura Štrbák Ján Strnisko Vladimír Šulík Anton Šulík jr. Anton Šulík Juraj Sundvor Yngve Suša Anja Sutherland Ross Švábová Veronika Švejda Vojtěch Svobodová Jana Szkotak Paweł Taha Anmar Tálská Eva Tasnádi István Teodósio e. André Thomas Jérôme Treliński Mariusz Troickij Vlad Tumanov Vladimir Tuminas Rimas Ugarov Michail Uhlár Blaho Vajdička Ľubomír Vajdička Michal Varnas Gintaras Vasilache Sandu Vicen Dušan Vicen Dušan and comp. Vigier Elise Vlk Jozef Volcano Theatre Company Vosátko Karol Votava Aleš Vyšohlíd Jiří Warlikowski Krzysztof Williams Sandy Winkel Martina Wojcieszek Przemysław Wright Luke Zaides Arkadi Zandwijk Alize Zboroň Vlado Zelenka Petr Zhivadinov Dragan Zholdak Andrii Ziemilski Wojtek Žiška Kamil Žlábek Eduard Zsótér Sándor Company All Company Academy of Music and Drama Arts – Bratislava Aisle16 – Colchester Alexander Dukhnovich Theatre – Prešov ALIS Emsemble – Paris ALKA T; Companies – Budapest Andrei Muresanu Theatre – Sfăntu Gheorghe Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra Anomalie Compagnie – Châlons-sur-Marne Archa Theatre – Prague Arena – Bratislava Aréna Theatre – Bratislava Arkadi Zaides – Tel Aviv Association Divadelná Nitra – Nitra Astorka Korzo ´90 – Bratislava Atelje 212 – Belgrade Baltic House Theatre – St. Petersburg Bambalina Titelles – Valencia Bárka Theatre – Budapest Béla Pintér and company – Budapest Belgrade Drama Rheatre – Belgrade Bratislava Puppet Theatre – Bratislava British Council Buchty a loutky – Prague Budapest Chamber Theatre – Budapest Budapesti Kamaraszínház – Budapest CandoCo Dance Company – London casaBranca – Association for Culture – Lisbon Centre Dramatique National – Orléans Centre Dramatique National de Normandie Centre of Dramaturgy and Direction of Alexei Kazantsev and Mikhail Roshchin – Moscow Chemnitz State Theatre – Chemnitz Children’s Theatre Ensemble Kamarát – Bratislava Children’s Theatre Ensemble Once Upon a Time There Was… – Oravská Polhora circolando – transdisciplinary cretion space Cirk La Putyka – Prague Civic Associacion Košice Theatre Civic association Mezery – Prague colectivA Cluj Napoca Comédie de Caen – Caen Compagnie Du Zieu – Fère-en-Tardenois Compagnie Jérôme Thomas – Cluny Compagnie Kadidi / Dorothée Munyaneza – Paris Compagnie La Métaphore – Lille Compagnie Montalvo-Hervieu – Créteil Compagnie Philippe Genty – Paris Compañía Pendiente – Barcelona company BERLIN – Antwerp Constanza Macras | DorkyPark – Berlin Contemporary Dance Association – Bratislava Contemporary Theatre – Wroclaw Contemporary Theatre Association Cosmokinetical Theatre Red Pilot – Ljubljana Csiky Gergely Theatre – Kaposhvar Dakh Daughters Band – Kiev David Parker & the Bang Group – New York Debris Company – Bratislava Déjà Donné Production Dejvice Theatre – Prague Derevo – Prague Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg Deutsches Theater Berlin Dirty Deal Teatro – Riga Disk – Trnava Dragon – Hradec Králové Drama Laboratory – Kirov dramAcum – Bucharest Dresden State Theatre elledanse – Bratislava EnKnapGroup – Ljubljana Ensemble Etc. – Žiar nad Hronom Festival d’Avignon Production – Avignon Forced Entertainment – Sheffield Formal Theatre – St. Petersburg Frantic Assembly – London Gérard Phillipe Theatre – Paris Goose on the String – Brno GUnaGU – Bratislava HaDivadlo – Brno Handa Gote – Prague Hauptaktion – München Heine Røsdal Avdal – Oslo Honey and Dust – Bratislava Inbal Pinto Dance Company – Tel Aviv Insomniac Productions – London International Foundation Ukraine – Culture – Europe – Kiev International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra Iraqi Bodies – Goteborg Ivana Müller – Paris Jókai Theatre – Komárno Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra Katona J. Szinház – Budapest Kaunas State Academic Drama Theatre – Kaunas Klicpera’s Theatre – Hradec Králové Kolyada-Theatre – Yekaterinburg KoMa – Budapest Komedie Theatre – Prague Komorní scéna Aréna – Ostrava Komuna Warszawa – Warsaw Krétakör Színház – Budapest les ballets C de la B – Gent LIFE – Lithuanian International Theatre Festival – Vilnius Lilia Abadjieva Company – Sofia LOD music theatre Gent L´Encyklopedie de la Parolle – France M-theatre – Senica Madách Kamara – Budapest Malabar – Lunel Manjana Theatre – Stockholm Maribor National Drama Theatre – Maribor Maska – Ljubljana Metamorphosis Association Metamorphosis Assotiation Modjeska Theatre in Legnica Moscow Theatre OKOLO doma Stanislavskogo Motus – Rimini MTJuZ – Moscow Münchner Kammerspiele – München Naive Theatre – Liberec National Theatre – Budapest National Theatre of Moravia – Silesia – Ostrava National Theatre of Timisoara National Theatre Opera – Prague Nature Theater of Oklahoma – New York Needcompany – Brussel New Theatre – Krakow Nigel Charnock + Company – London Non-Children’s Studio of the Theatre Goose on the String – Brno Nová scéna – Bratislava Nové Theatre – Nitra Nowy Teatr Warsaw NTGent – Gent NUDE Theatre – Bratislava Odeon Theatre – Bucharest OKT / City Theatre – Vilnius Old Theatre – Krakow Orthographe – Ravenna Oskaras Korśunovas Theatre – Vilnius OZ Theaterland – Nancy P.A.T. – Bratislava Paines Plough – London Pál Frenák Compagnie – Paris Peter Mazalán – Bratislava Petra Fornayová – Bratislava Petter Alexander Goldstine – Oslo Pieter De Buysser / Hiros – Brussel PIKI Theatre – Pezinok Plesni Teater Ljubljana – Ľubľana Polárka Theatre – Brno Polski Theatre in Wroclaw Pôtoň Theatre – Bátovce Praktika Theatre – Moscow Prešeren Theatre – Kranj Prešov National Theatre – Prešov Radnóti Theatre – Budapest Ro Theater – Rotterdam Rodrigo García & La Carnicería Teatro – Madrid Rootlessroot – Athens S.T.O.K.A. – Bratislava Santasangre – Rome Sashko Brama – Lviv Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Silence Teatro – Lovere SKALEN Company – Marseille SkRAT Theatre – Bratislava Sláva Daubnerová – Bratislava Slovak National Theatre – Drama – Bratislava Slovak National Theatre – Opera – Bratislava Slovak Theatre VHV – Stara Pazova Slovenian Repertory Theatre – Triest Slovenské národné divadlo – Opera – Bratislava spielzeiteuropa-Berliner Festspiele – Berlín SpozaVoza Theatre Sputnik Shipping Company – Budapest Stary Teatr – Krakow State Theatre Košice State Youth Theatre on Fontanka – St. Peterburg STEREO AKT – Budapest Štúdio 12 – Bratislava Studio Hrdinu – Prague Studio L+S – Bratislava Studio S – Bratislava Studio Theatre – Warsaw Sud Costa Occidentale – Palermo Suver Nuver – Amsterdam SWAP-Project – Porto Szputnyik – Budapest Teater NO99 – Tallinn Teatr KANA – Sczecin Teatr Polski – Poznań Teatr Polski Bydgoszcz Teatr Rozmaitości – Warsaw Teatr Wspołczesny – Wroclaw Teatr.doc – Moscow Teatro Praga – Lisbon Teatro Tatro Teatron Theatre – Arnsberg Teatrul Tineretului – Piatra Neamţ Thália Színház – Košice Thalia Theatre – Budapest The City Theatre Žilina The East Slovakian State Theatre – Košice The Formal Theatre – Saint Petersburg The International Institute of Political Murder – IIPM Berlin / Zürich The Ján Palárik Theatre – Trnava The Jewish State Theatre – Bucharest The Jonáš Záborský Theatre – Prešov The Lighthouse Theatre – Žilina The Mulatság Theatre – Budapest The National Theatre – Brno The National Theatre – Prague The New Riga Theatre – Riga The Norwegian Theatre – Oslo The Nuts – A Bunch of Cranky Mimes – Prague The Opera of the National Theatre – Prague – The New Stage The Puppet Theatre – Nitra The Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads – Banská Bystrica The Radošina Naive Theatre – Bratislava The Slovak Chamber Theatre Martin The Slovak National Uprising Theatre – Martin The Slovenian Youth Theatre – Ljubljana The Sofia Theatre – Sofia The State Puppet Theatre – Bratislava The State Small Theatre of Vilnius – Vilnius The Theatre at the Crossroads – Banská Bystrica The Theatre of Trnava The Town Theatre – Zlín The Wojciech Bogusławski Theatre – Kalisz The Žilina Town Theatre The “Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre – Kishinyov Theater Basel – Basel Theatre Association Partizánske Theatre Association ZDVIH at Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra Théâtre de la Bastille – Paris Théâtre des Lucioles – Rennes Théâtre du Shaman – Lyon Theatre from the Passage – Banská Bystrica Theatre of the 8th Day – Poznan Theatre On the Balustrade – Prague Theatre School of Dramatic Art – Moscow Theatre Studio of AMDA – Kaplnka – Bratislava Theatre Without Borders – Vienna Toneelhuis & Muziekcentrum De Bijloke – Antwerp – Ghent TR Warszawa TRAFIK (transitive – fiction theatre) – Rijeka TREES; Civic Association for Independent Theatre – Bratislava V. F. Komissarzhevska Dramatic Academic Theatre – St. Petersburg Verdensteatret – Oslo Vígszínház – Budapest Vizita Theatre – Prague Voetvolk vzw – Antwerp Volcano Theatre Company – Swansea Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz – Berlín vzw Avec Jan Jib Co – Brussel Wariot Ideal – Prague Wunderbaum – Rotterdam Zagreb Youth Theatre Production All Production 1. Boys (The hidden men) 2. Chicks (Credo Hysterica) 25 671 33 RPM and a Few Seconds A Dream Play A Little Disaster in the Station Buffet A Long Way to Taru A Man from Podolsk A Man Kissing the Bottom of a Boat (part two: THE RIDER) A Midsummer Night’s Dream A PLATFORM (seeking identity in 18 fragments) About the rich… Actor and Carpenter Majer Talks about the State of his Homeland Addressless – vagabond role game Adventures of Don Quijot Alice 01; Alice 001 (amendments to Carrol; in the words of Alice) Alice in Wonderland and behind the Mirror Amadeus Anamnesis Andrišku; Andrišku;… (Geese; Geese; Where Are You Flying to?) Angeleo Anna Karenina Apocalypse Arabian Night Archive Aria spinta Artillerymen on the Moon As far as my Fingertips Take Me As You Like It Atoms of God Baal Babelle Heureuse Back Then in Bratislava Bash (plays of recent days) Batacchio Beatification Beertourist Before Retirement Bible Big in Bombay Birthmark Black Battles with Dogs Black Black Woods Black Hair (Who Needs You) BLACKland Blood Brothers Blood Wedding Bloody Magic Blue is the Colour Bluebeard (Hope of Women) Bohemia Lies By the Sea Book Burning Boris Godunov Box with Holes Buggers and Suckers Caligari (Opus Necromanticus) Canto Hondo deep song about her… Capital Carmen Carmen Crazy Carravana Casimir and Caroline Catch ‑ 22 Central Europe Loves You Chairs Chance ´89 Charming Ladies in a Rich House Chekhov – Boxer Cid Cinder-lad; As You Do Not Know Him Clair de Luz Clavijo Cleansed Closer Clouds Colonel Bird Concert for Greenland Cousinons la Cousine Daddy; We Can Afford It! (A Domestic Performance) Dancing at Lughnasa Dead Princess Dead Souls (pictures of the New World) Decease od Paľo Ročko Deep Enough (Heavy Mental) Democrats Desire Desolate Flower Destroyed time Dinner above the City Don Carlos Don Juan in the Hell Double Metamorphosis + Doctor Sacripanti’s Potato Theatre Dr. Gustáv Husák (Prisoner of Presidents – President of Prisoners) Dragon Is Coming Home Dreams Dreams; Wings; and Hurricane; the Dog Eduard II. Elective Affinities – to the Chest or the Breast a Window Elites Empty Hole Encyclopedia of Speech; Suite No. 1 „ABC“ for 11 perform-ers and 11 guests English is easy; Csaba is dead Entertainment Eo ipso eu.genus Europeana – A Brief History of the 20th Century Eurovision Eva (Gazdina roba) Everything for the Nation Evidence of Blood Executor 14 Face to Face Faces Falcon! Faust Faust (Faust Is Dead) Faust a Margaret Feather-bed Fairy Fernando Krapp Wrote Me a Letter Figuraazione Flesh and Blood Flying Attempts Follow me Fondling – Not Love Fragile! Frank From the Other Side Golden Sixties or Pavel J. Diary Gulp (Blasphemy in Motifs) Hamlet Hamlet is dead – Faust is hungry Hate Radio Hedda Gabler Her Stepdaughter of Hers HEXEN Hic Hoc HOLLYROTH or Robert Roth sings Jan Hollý Holocaust Holy Noodle Home Eros Faith How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare Hungarian Acacia Hunting Scenes from Lower Bavaria I Next III Furies Innocence Inspector General It´s going to get worse and worse and worse; my friend Ivanov Ivona; Princess of Burgundy James and His Lord Jánošík JE SUiS (Mysterious Case of Pastor from TueS) Job Jozef Mak July Jungle Book Kaisers TV; Ungarn Kantor Downtown Karate Billy Is Coming Home Kitchen Knives in Hens KNOWH2OW Krcheň the Immortal Kubo (remake) Kukura La Putyka Leonce and Lena Let Us Dream Liliom Lost Antarctica Love You and Take Care Lulu M. H. L. Macbeth Macbett Made in Poland Magic Flight Maria Magdalene Marriage Marysha Masquerade Masterpiece Medea Merlin Middentity – Miracles Miss Miss Julie MISTERMISSMISSMISTER Mojmír II or the Twilight of an Empire Monsterium Moon Wolves Moral Insanity Muck; a country soap opera My File and I My Life My Struggle Nevedko Never-ending World / Alpha Omega Night No Matter How Hard We Tried Nox One Gesture One Half of the Two Open for Everything Opernball Opus № 7 1. Genealogy 2. Shostakovich Origine Orpheus and Eurydice Our Friend Rene Out of Context – for Pina Out of Here Oxygen Oyster Pagans Painted of Glass Pantomimes Paradise Locked Paranoia Penthesilea People; Lions; Eagles and Partridges (The Seagull) People; Places and Things Phaidra Fitness Pilgrims and Hussars Pillars of Blood Plasticine Platform Platonov Pornography Portia Coughlan Possessed Poverty Powerpoint Pre-paradise sorry now (Little Stories of Everyday Fascism) Pressburger blut Product Pursuit of Happiness Quartet R+J Rap Tap on the Head Rechnitz – The Angel of Death Reflex Renata Kalenská; Lidové noviny Reverse Richard III. Ritter Dene Voss (Vášaryová; Hadrbolcová; Ornest) Roses S.O.S. – Save Our Souls Samedi détente Samsara Disco Sand in the Eyes Scenes in the House of Bessemenov – Smug Citizens School for Fools Second Essay on Gymnastics Seven Days to Funeral Short Plays Sickness of the Family M Sister Anxiety Six Degrees Small Narration Soft Dreams Solo Lamentoso Songs from the Gallows Sonja Spoonriver Anthology Stalker Stars in the Willow Sternenhoch Stories of Walls Story ??? of a Human Strange Johnny (Apocalypse according Janko Kráľ) Stuffed Sturm oder Mr. Prosper’s Tempestations Sudden Showers of Silence Suddenly the Night Swap Tanya – Tanya Taverna Magica (Fantasy à la Hoffmann) Tax-collector The American Dream Today The Bacchae The Beads of Melodies The Bear The Beauty Queen of Leenane The Biggest Lie The Brothers Karamazov The Catalogue of Such an Ordinary Happiness The Cherry Orchard The Consolation of the Country Path The Cry of the Chameleon The Danton Case The Deer House The Depths The Drama Observatory Zenith The Emperor of America The First Cavalry The Forest The Frankenstein Project The Garden of Delights The Government Inspector The Graduate The Great Killing The Hearing The History of Ronald; the Clown of McDonald The House The House where… The Ignoramus and the Madman The Inside of the Inside The Inspector General The Kindly Ones The Lock Creaks The Lower Depths The Lumber-room (The Last Yourney to Bee) The Marriage The Merchant of Venice The more of us there are; the faster we will reach the goal The Night The Norm The Notebook The Old Monk The Prodigal Son The Queen of the Cookies The Racing Demon The Rats The Reunification of Two Koreas The Seagull The Second Surprise of Love The Secret of the Ocean The Shape of Things The Šopalović Travelling Troupe The Stepmother The Story of Real Guliver (Metodical Book of Travels) The Story of the Merciful or Testament of the Dog The Sturs The Tempest The Tempest; The Gospel According to St. Mark; Bloody Wedding; Leaving Bratislava The Three Sisters The Trial The Unwoken The Walker The Woman before TheTownThatWentMad Thirteen Songs (live transmission concert) Three Sisters Tired Heraclitus Tiso Tomorrow There Will Be Tomorrow´s Parties Toufar – The Torture Games Trading (original title Erreger) Transfer! Tropical Elation Tune Your Fork Two in your House Typography Majuscule Uncertain Ground (innate species aggression) Uncle Vanya Underworld Untitled No. 1 // Opera by Herbert Fritsch Void Story Vyatlag Waiting for Bohoš Waiting for Gogot War´s Unewomanly Face We are still watching We Bombed in Nitra Weissenstein When Mom Is Not In Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? Wind in the Tree Tops of Sassafras Winter’s Journey Wise Kokoško Wormwood WOW! Woyzeck X milimeters out of Y kilometers You Move Me So Much (Fragments from Life and Work of Dominik Tatarka) Yurga´s Hana Zhao; the Orphan Zvizdal (Chernobyl so far; so close)