SWAP-Project, Porto, Portugal, 2006
Author: João Costa, Rudolfo Quintas, Tiago Dionísio
Directed by João Costa, Rudolfo Quintas, Tiago Dionísio
Year: 2006
The Shape of Things
Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, 2006
Author: Neil LaBute
Directed by Maja Hriešik, Roman Olekšák
The Consolation of the Country Path
Civic association Mezery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006
Author: Rainald Götz, Martin Heidegger and Documentation about the Brno March on May 30, 1945
Directed by Miroslav Bambušek
The Wojciech Bogusławski Theatre, Kalisz, Poland, 2006
Author: Georg Büchner
Directed by Maja Kleczewska