about the production
Popular journalist Renata Kalenská is known mostly as an author of full-page interviews (editor's note: in the Czech daily the Lidové noviny), in which every Saturday she interrogates personalities from public or social life. She asks the questions purposely in an informal way, she makes jokes with the persons questioned, but only in order to bring us the clearest picture of our original reality.
a bulletin to the production
Jan Antonín Pitínský refuses in principle that his opus should be reckoned as a political drama but in spite of this, he eventually committed the very same one with perfect easiness and humour. He positioned the production on permanently graduating irony by means of which he blows up our present into monstrous form, which reminds us mostly of a grandiose and mad slapstick comedy.
Pitínský does not differentiate who is more paranoid, whether the journalist or the persons interviewed, at the end all of them end up in a mental hospital. By the attitude of a "laughing beast". and by easiness, which can sometimes look infantile, his performance is undoubtedly different than the coolly analytical and precisely thematically designed style of a political drama as we know it already from Brecht.
Jana Machalická, Lidové noviny
The production is based on newspaper interviews with various political or cultural public personalities of the Czech Republic... the utterances, which in a newspaper look more refined and insipid, are interpreted by the actors in more expressive way and therefore the statements which can be easily lost in avalanches of signs and articles in newspapers are more visible and noticeable here.
Roman Sikora, Literární noviny
We can speak of a clear journalistic performance, a straight confrontation with the present. Similar participating and engaged performances are in Czech stagnant waters bubbling with honoured classics or boring retro trips sinfully rare... Actress Jana Plodková interprets journalist Renata Kalenská as a vigorous and hysterical miss who fully commits her mission also in the clinic. The other characters are shown as the representatives of many professions, human types and disorders. They are like a survey of the dodgiest occurrences in the Czech society of the last fifteen years... In his sophisticatedly sad, carnival-like ride, Pitínský stages, among real confessions, also a galaxy of mad nonsense. Clumsiness or rather debility and danger of some of those phrases ring in spectator's ears hopelessly and in alert. Furthermore, Pitínský multiplies this fact more or less by ironizing almost everybody who he has taken on the pillory. Our world is mad and as such it has to be looked upon.
Luboš Mareček, Mladá fronta DNES
A Part of Nitra, Trnava and Bratislava performances is also an interview of real Renata Kalenská with an invited guest:
NITRA – Rudolf Slánský, a former ambassador of the Czech Republic in Slovakia
TRNAVA – Milan Lasica, a director, actor, chief of the Studio L+S theatre
BRATISLAVA – Ján Langoš, Minister of the Interior of the former Czechoslovakia in the mid 1990s, a former MP of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, today President of the Administrative Council of Ústav pamäti národa (The Institute of National Memory)
directed by Jan Antonín Pitínský
set design: Tomáš Rusín
costumes: Zuzana štefunková
songs: Jirí Ryšánek
music co-operation: Petr Hromádka
dramaturgic co-operation: Petr Minarík
psychiatric co-operation: MUDr. Ludmila Prchalová
lutonina: M. T. Ružička, D. Ružičková
magic Gjurden Vallätällä
recipes Broky Brno
direction of used films: Harry Wu, Alfréd Radok, Luboš Beneš
lyrics: František Fanda Pánek a J. H. Krchovský, A. Stankovič, L. Marks, E. Bondy, I. M. Jirous
interviews authors: Renata Kalenská, Petr Placák, Eduard Fleisler, Alena Plavcová, Radim Kopáč
inspirations authors: Vladimír Merta, Artur Schopenhauer, Mirek Kovárík
characters and cast:
Renata Kalenská > Jana Plodková; Chinese and Poet: Ján Sedal; Boxer and Gadgeteer: Roman Slovák; Schizophrenic and Contemporary Artist: Jakub Žáček; Fink and Footballer: Cyril Drozda; Director and 0ld writer: Miloslav Maršálek; Actress, Jewess and The queen of pink romances: Marie Ludvíková, Director of Community House Villa Vallila: Miroslav Kumhala

Jan Antonín Pitínský (1956)
One of the most notable personalities of contemporary Czech drama. An author and co-author of theatre plays, adaptations and screenplays, also ballet libretto, author of poetry and prose. He is extremely active theatre director in studio or stone theatres and opera stages. A many-times holder of the Alfréd Radok Prize (the most significant Czech prize for theatre direction) and the Prize of the Critics of the Divadelné noviny for Best Production of the year. So far, he has staged more than fifty productions directed in many Czech, Moravian and Slovak theatres. The play The Ignoramus and the Madman is his third meeting with Thomas Bernhard; the first one was Ritter, Denne, Voss, and the second The Theatrist. Both of them were staged in the On the Balustrade Theatre (Prague). His most successful productions staged in the Czech Republic or Slovakia were introduced also at the Divadelná Nitra Festival (1995 – The Sister Anxiety; 1996 – Ritter, Denne, Voss; The Chamber; 1997 – Job; Dinner above the City; 2002 – Thirteen Songs).