Klicpera’s Theatre, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 1999
Author: Renate Raspová – Marek Pivovar
Directed by Vladimír Morávek
Year: 1999
Colonel Bird
The Theatre On the Balustrade, Prague, Czech Republic, 1999
Author: Christo Bojčev
Directed by Petr Lébl
The Story of the Merciful or Testament of the Dog
TR Warszawa (before Teatr Rozmaitości), Warsaw, Poland, 1999
Author: Ariano Suassuna
Directed by Piotr Cieplak
A Midsummer Night´s Dream
The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava, 1999
Author: William Shakespeare
Directed by Juraj Šulík
The First Cavalry
Theatre Association Partizánske, Slovakia, 1999
Author: Isaak Babeľ – Jozef Krasula
Directed by Jozef Krasula