about the production
Since its premiere the stage production has become the object of extraordinary interest. Hedda Gabler interpreted by the actors of the Kaunas Theatre is based on the 20thC man experience, which as if were predicted by H. Ibsen: his most tragic conflicts do not rest in the relations with the outside world, with other people, but in man himself – when he is captivated by the sense of absurdity and nonsense of the life.
It is a performance placed on the border line between the desirous longing for tenderness and children's cruelty. It is a fusion of psychological minuteness and extraordinary imagery. It comes back to the modem form of theatre origin and to its meaning – catharsis. The stage production of this, today already a classical, play is interesting far its unusual space design and also far the dramaturgy intention. The stage production was awarded five Lithuanian awards 'Fortuna' and 4 awards 'Kristoforos' for the best director, music stage design, costumes and the main actress in the role of Hedda.
directed by Gintaras Varnas
stage design: Jūraté Paulékaité,
costume design: Juozas Statkevičius
music: Giedrius Puskunigis
Jorgen Tesman: Robertas Vaidotas, Hedda, His Wife: Jūraté Onaityté, Julia Tesman, His Aunt: Doloresa Kazragyté, Tea Elvsted: Vilija Grigaityté, Assessor Brack: Liubomiras Laucevičius, Eilert Lovborg: Dainius Svobonas, Berta, The Tesmans' Maid: Liucija Rukšnaityté
Gintaras Varnas (1961) is the third Lithuanian director whose work is going to be presented at the Nitra's Festival. (In 1995 it was a stage production Three Sisters directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius, one of the top European directors now, two years later it was a stage production Masquerade which presented a work by director Rimas Tuminas.) Gintaras Varnas started his professional career in the Independent Theatre Studio and continued in the Sepa Theatre – Political Puppet Theatre far the Adults which he founded in 1988. As a free-lance director he co-operates with different Lithuanian theatres as a guest, works tor the Lithuanian television and participates in different projects. The following are his most important works: When Five Years Passed (1993) and Public (1996) by F. G. Lorca, A Stranger (1995) by A. Camus, The Big Theatre of the World (1997) by P. Calderon de la Barca, Hedda Gabler (1998) by H. lbsen, Mourning Becomes Electra (1999) by E. O'Neill. The last two of the named productions were awarded the prize far the best director in Kaunas in 1998 and 1999, for Hedda Gabler also a prize far the best director of Lithuania in 1999. He also directed an opera by R. Strauss Salome (1999). He attended the festivals in Estonia, Norway, Russia, Canada and the V.S.A. and recently the festival 'Kontakt' in Torun, Poland.
Materials available
Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: SK, RU
If you are interested in these materials, write to archivy@nitrafest.sk