about the production
Shakespeare's story full of treason, revolt, delusion, rise and fall is a non-conventional, remarkably theatrical stage production staged by director as a guest Vladimír Morávek. lt has a precise order and meaning with the exact, distinctive style. lt represents unusual approach of a director and script-editor, strengthened by an artistically clean, magnificent stage production and costume design by Alexandra Grusková. lt is a spectacular theatre full of signs and symbols, hidden meanings, allusions and contrasts. AlI this complemented by the inventive presentations of main characters performed by a guest Marián Labuda, Sr. and Adela Gáborová, supported by the consistent work of the ensemble, it represents the stage production beyond the usual Slovak dimension.
directed by Vladimír Morávek
translation: Jozf Kot
adaptation: Vladimír Morávek, Svetozár Sprušanský
script editing: Svetozár Sprušanský
fencing: Juraj Sitár
choreography: Bibiana Mikleová
music: Daniel Rkejz
stage and costume design: Alexandra Grusková
Duncan, King of Scotland: Marek Majeský, Malcolm, His Brother: Erik Peťovský, Donalbain, Their Youngest Brother: Patrik Polonec or Martin Lachký, Macbeth: Marián Labuda st./Sr. Banquo: Ján Greššo, Lennox: František Javorský, Ross: Ivan Vojtek, Macduff: Marián Labuda ml./Jr., Angus: Igor Sebesta, Cawdor: Marcel Ochránek, Old Man: Ondrej Rimko, Bishop: Dušan Lenci, Fleance, Son to Banquo: Michal Beluský, First Murderer: Marcel Ochránek, Second Murderer: Igor Sebesta, Lady Macbeth: Adela Gáborová, Witches: Zofia Martišová, Hilda Augustovičová, Eva Večerová, Lady Banquo: Eva Hlaváčová, Lady Lennox: Jana Valocká and others
Vladimír Morávek (1965) has the reputation of a "theatre madman". Far some he is irritating, far some he is exciting. One of the most remarkable personalities of Czech theatre – as he says about himself – a wild and annoying child of Czech directing. He started his professional career in the 'Husa na provázku' theatre in Brno. His works aroused controversial responses – first of his professors at the Janáček Academy of Music and Drama, later of theatre critics and he public. His way of directing, his interpretation of a text, his ability to achieve that everything ranging from an actor to stage technical equipment ´acts' in his theatre performance, has found the responsive match in the Klicpera's Theatre in Hradec Králové. He has worked there as an artistic director since 1997 (about the Klicpera's Theatre, please, see the preceding page). He was awarded the 'Prize far Theatre Production' in 1998 by Czech Literary Fund for The Antelopes' Nights, a cycle of four dramas by young Czech authors staged over one season. He is going to present his projects at the Divadelna Nitra '99 the third time – DN '95 – the Mrštík's Brothers: Maryša (Goose on the String, Brno), DN '96 - G. Preissová: "Her Her Step-daughter" (Klicpera's Theatre).