about the production
The script editor and director in one connects the mosaic of the stories from Russian war in the 20s – cruel and poetic sketches written by Russian writer lsaac Babel – into thematic units. He creates the stylized images of rough beauty flashing in the fascinating tempo. He uses the method of cinematographic montage emerging the longer or shorter units. The producers of the performance present the shocking theme which can easily mislead to pathos and banality with lightness, detachment, even black humour and that together with the sensitively chosen music and with respect to the context of Slovak amateur theatre also extraordinary good stage design creates an enjoyable theatre amusement for both producers and spectators.
directed by Jozef Krasula
stage and costume design: Štefan Janco, Ondrej Böhm a kol. divadla/and company
lighting: Ján Podoba
sound: Slavomír Šujan
Arina: Miriam Jancová, Serguňa, Kikin: Peter Smatana, Alfréd, Chlebnikov: Lubomír Vančo, Jesus Christ: Ondrej Böhm, Savickij: Juraj Ulický, Balmašev: Vladimír Dráb, Nasťa: Jana Smatanová, Soldiers, smugglers, citizens, grooms, wedding guests: Štefan Janco, Dagmar Krasulová, Beata Krajčová, Daniel Mavrák, Milan Mendel, Silvia Homolová, Tatiana Böhmová
Jozef Krasula (1961) graduated from Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Cultural Studies. He has been devoted to amateur theatre since 1980 when he founded the secondary students' theatre – now Theatre Association. He has attended the three year course for directors organized by National Cultural Centre in Bratislava lead by Peter Scherhaufer, director of the Czech theatre 'Goose on the String'. Besides his home theatre in Partizánske he is also active in the Draždiak Literary Club in Bratislava. He is one of the owners of the biggest private gallery in Slovakia (Michalský Dvor, in Bratislava).