about the production
The director focused on a clash of contemporary cruel reality and the world of isolated island ruled by peculiar laws and regulations. The both worlds are overlapped and a spectator can draw the parallels between a wrecker of the sea and a wrecker of the life…
The stage production has completely fulfilled the idea of multigenre performance through the interplay of all elements of drama stage production – constantly and originally changing stage, expressively modern costumes, accurate acting, erotic dancing and singing compound an extraordinary spectacular performance. It has a fascinating tempo according to which the director experiments with the classical text, with the methods of staging and eventually with the spectator himself who is constantly being mislead and surprised. The stage production is an excellent example of unusual Alföldi's sensitivity toward postmodernist experimenting.
directed by Róbert Alföldi
translation: Mészöly Dezsö
stage design: Kentaur
costume design: Bartha Andrea
music: Presser Gábor
choreography: Király Attila
script editing: Rácz Erzsébet
video: Tóth Zsolt
technical manager: Krisztiáni lstván</strong
lighting: Móray Ernő
video equipement:Komoróczky Gábor
pyrotechnics:Gajdos Béla
sound recording:Kiss lstván
assistant of director:Várnai lldikó
Alonzo: Borbiczki Ferenc, Sebastian: Hujber Ferenc, Prospero: Hegedűs D. Géza. Antonio: Oberfrank Pál, Ferdinand: Kolovratnik Krisztián, Gonzalo: Vallai Péter, Adrian: Csőre Gábor, Caliban: Kaszás Attila, Trinculo: Hajdu lstván, Stephano: Fesztbaum Béla, Captain: Gyuriska János, Miranda: Varga Gabriella, Ariel, Iris: Kútvölgyi Erzsébet Juno, Spirit: Buza Tímea, Ceres, Spirit: Polyák Lilla, Spirits: Sarádi Zsolt, Pataki Ferenc, Fábián Gyula; Frank Róbert, Hornyák lstván, Kelemen Zsolt, Plaveczky Ede, Sárkány Zsolt, Grandfather: Jozef Dóczy, Grandson: Martin Ondica
The spectators of the Divadelná Nitra Festival are familiar with the world of theatre and imagination of young Hungarian actor and director Róbert Alföldi (1967). The festival spectators are going to meet his specific directing the third time. His remarkable way of directing has stirred the Hungarian and foreign theatre world. (DN '97 – A. P. Chekhov: The Seagull DN '98 – W. Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice) – annual prize for the best director in Hungary). He has been devoted to directing since 1995 and he has immediately become an exceptional phenomenon of Hungarian theatre scene. He belongs among those directors who avoid schemes and conventions, but at the same time do not hesitate to use any genre of drama. His stage productions are always very impressive and fresh. Although the ideas and feelings comprised in them are multifaceted, their ambivalence is always transparent and attractive far theatre-goers.