A Midsummer Night´s Dream

The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava, 1999
Author: William Shakespeare
Directed by Juraj Šulík

about the production

The revelation of truths and values, which are generally accepted (given) as values, is always undermined in Shakespeare's plays. lf at the beginning of the "Dream" he places two worlds against each other in a period form of generation conflict (young lovers versus the noblemen connected with artificial relationships) and leads this layer until the fourth act, where the truths, which the young brought are justified, then in the last fifth act he places the pacified generations against a group of painstakingly honest workers playing theatre. The young couple a half of an hour ago so pure, suddenly, together with the Duke, cynically comment on the inability of the actors ·amateurs and therefore are becoming part of the artificiality and pretension of the court 's conventions. Is there anything else what could easier undermine the purity of their values? moment of happiness was not short far the lovers, but far us, spectators. Because we realize that this happiness is as illusionary as the values which the lovers stand for. We also play the theatre. We, the students of the Academy of Music a d Dramatic Arts. But is that not rather a false promotion of the pseudo-values? Maybe not...

Shakespeare staged only in one layer – that is a mistake. Not an advantage. Postmodern Shakespearian acting in Slovakia? What is that? Postmodernism, as it appears in our theatre and drama is, I think, an intellectual excuse. Shakespeare has not made any excuses. Our production comes out of very real circumstances regarding the director, script editor and actors. It is a very personal matter. And – let us say, a bottle of spray instead of a miracle herb is not a postmodernist element. I believe it is not.

Juraj Šulík



directed by Juraj Šulík
translation: Ľubomír Feldek a Pavol Orságh Hviezdoslav
script editing and adaptation: Peter Pavlac
stage and costume design: Jana Kuttnerová
music: Frank Zappa
Hippolyta, Titania, Tin: Agi Gubíková, Hermia: Slávka Halčáková, Helena: Lucia Lužinská, Tezeus: Vladimír Kobielsky, Oberon: Peter Nádasdi,  the Weaver, Juraj Kemka, Lysander, the Bellows-mender: Róbert Jakab, Egeus, the Joiner: Marián Miezga, Puck: Lukáš Latinák

Pedagogical Supervisors: doc. Emília Vášaryová, doc. Martin Huba, prof. Milan Čorba, prof. Ľubomír Vajdička, Mgr. Michal Spišák, Mgr. Peter Mankovecký