about production
The Puppet Theatre At the Crossroads performs for children, young people and adults. The ensemble presents stage productions from own authors and also renditions of contemporary and classical literature and drama.
In theatre productions, the ensemble combines various means of expression and interpretation and visual, choreographic, classical and non-classical, puppet, drama techniques, without limiting the genre, theme, content or form. The purpose far all this is the anticipation and implementation of a different dimension of a puppet theatre, which up until now was subjected to a prevailing convention about simplicity, infantilism, non-meaningfulness of this theatre genre expression means.
The Puppet Theatre At the Crossroads is also known as an organizer of the only Slovak Puppet Theatre Festival (biennial), with an international participation, Bábkarská Bystrica (Banská Bystrica Puppet Festival).
Puppet theatre genre did not become a limitation, or an obstacle for creative artists, but a springboard far theatre in its widest forms. This theatre is total, exciting and imbibed with expression. Certain inner complex, which puppet theatres carry within themselves, have people from Bystrica managed to overcome.
Dominik Tatarka´s You Move Me So Much and Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann in the performance of Taverna Magica. The first one as fragments from the life and work, the second one as a fantasy “a lá Hoffmann” based on the screenplay by Iveta Škripková. Both performances, attempting to cover the contradictory position of an artist in given society, to express complicated inner moods of a creative process, the search and suffering; without a textbook effort to simplify, beautify, to tou.ch-up. Rather, both performances are offering theatrically attractive picture of an extraordinary man, and still live one, about a man of aromas and odours, ideals and wasted hopes. What a strong desire and determination, how ruthless was their destiny and human ordeal.
Svetozár Sprušanský
In the beginning of the play was a grotesque picture of the world, which glorifies a gnome Zinnober, demented imbecile, who through Lucky coincidence and thanks to the inability of the world around him, becomes the most important person of one small state...
Iveta Škripková
Finale is just an autobiographic after-thought and reminder of the historic vanity of each genius, who ends up in a maze of textbook cliches. Hoffmann shrugs his shoulders, flicks through the pages of the book, reading forewords about himself in foreign languages, and disappears silently into the pit of history.
Svetozár Sprušanský
directed by Marián Pecko
script: Iveta Škripková
script editing: Dominika Navarová
set design: Ján Zavarský
costumes, puppets, masks: Eva Farkašová
choreography: Elena Krošláková-Lindtnerová, Zuzana Hajková
music: Henrich Leško, Róbert Mankovecký, Jindřich Obšil, výber z diela Beethovena, Mozarta
piano accompaniment: Alžbeta Trgová
cast: Michaela Fridmanová / Kristína Pecková), Jindřich Obšil, Michal Ďuriš, Štefan Píšša, Mária Šmihlová, Marta Nováková, Alena Sušilová, Mária Šamajová / Michaela Almášiová), Pavol Hadač, Ján Haruštiak, Juraj Benčík / Jozef Šumaj, Richard Mažáry, Ján Šávolt, Alžbeta Trgová