about the production
The 20th anniversary of the theatre Trnavské divadlo is approaching. When it was opened twenty years ago, there were two complete two years of graduates from the College of Performing Arts – actors, directors, repertory advisers and an art director. And so it came about that the theatre was given a chance to shape itself both in repertory and poetic character. They were first of all the directors Blaho Uhlár and Juraj Nvota who have set their seals to the theatre, and also many personalities of actors who have artistically grown and ripened in years in the theatre. But as time runs out, everything changes and develops. Theatres as well.
Both the basic directors and the ensemble had left. The envious people were glad and expected its end. But the ploughed field can be sown. Another year of the College of Performing Arts graduates and other new co-workers came. And so the theatre Trnavské divadlo seeks out its new or another face. One of the attempts to do so is also the staging of Michel de Ghelderode's play Bloody Magic directed by Ondrej Spišák.
Ghelderode has created an enclosed microworld of his own. Vital medieval and Renaissance Flanders are the background for vivid characters set for the only passion. In „Krvavá mágia" it is demonism inundating Ghelderode's world and acquiring a shape of satanic sinful faith in one's own divinity. It leads to the creation of ghosts, persons obsessed by a certain deformed trait of one's character to such an extent that they become the incarnation of estrangement and dehumanization.
In Ghelderode's world, there is not a fool here and there. On the contrary, all personages are fools and obsessed people. The protagonist, the, miser Hieronymus, is ready to sacrifice anything of his comfort at any time, just to comply with his obsession by wealth. He has a young charming wife, but he has never touched her because he wants to consider her virginity part of his fortune and, he does not want to spend money on her.
In Ghelderode conception, each passion and obsession leads into death. The staging of Trnavské divadlo, directed by Ondrej Spišák as a guest director shows the personages arousing both terror and laughter. The „Krvavá mágia” performed by them in style of a bloody horror allures and gives a warning, at the same time.
Mirka Čibenková
director: Ondrej Spišák
translation: Zuzana Kramplová
set and costumes: František Lipták
music: Dead Can Dance
dramaturgy: Nora Slováková
cast: Ľudovít Moravčík, Andrea Zimányiová, Róbert Roth, Vladimír Jedľovský, Ján Topľanský