Casimir and Caroline

The Astorka Korzo ´90 Theatre, Bratislava, 1993
Author: Ödön von Horváth
Director: Juraj Nvota

about the production

The Theatre ASTORKA has its roots in the former legendary Theatre on the Promenade (Divadlo na Korze, hence shortly “Korzo”), its existence was administratively terminated in 1971. Some of its members are our members today. The second stage – these were the performances in the STUDIO NS under the producer Vladimír Strnisko when the nucleus of the present ensemble was created and its individual poetic character crystallized. The third stage is represented by the "KORZ0' 90" founded in the spaces of the Studio Nová scéna (New stage). In the course of its third season returned to the original name of the building in the thirties; the Café Astoria, consequently the Theatre ASTORKA.

The ASTORKA is seeking its place, its spectators and the past season gives signals that it was successful. The repertory shows the endeavour not to yield to commercial pressure, to present titles and dramaturgy not played-out and seek a theatrical language of its own.

By staging the play of the Austrian dramatist Ö. von Horváth Casimir and Caroline the Theatre ASTORKA opened its third season felt as a turning point today. It was staged by Juraj Nvota – the internal producer at present – who was awarded the LITFOND Production Prize 1992 (with regard to the foregoing stagings).

For the first time Nvota's poetical birďs-eye view met the dashing characterization art of the ASTORKA ensemble and Horváth's text revived in their hands and started to breathe the atmosphere of the “Theatre World”. The staging of Casimir and Caroline

thus became a certain motto of the whole following season where names such as Boris Vian, Fernando Arrabal, Rudolf Sloboda and N. E.Baehr appeared.

“Excellent performances of the actors prove how the change in poetics can be a power­

ful stimulating injection for a stagnating ensemble”. By this staging the theatre KORZ0' 90 becomes the theatre KORZ0' 92, because this year expresses better the beginning of the existence of a new theatre”.(Adriana Kronerová, Večerník, 25 Sept. 1992)

And so the Theatre ASTORKA will introduce itself by the staging of Casimir and Caroline. lt is a play of love and its bends in the world of caterpillar railroads, in the world of Zeppelins, of a celebration assigned {or all dismissed drivers, tailors, clerks, petty thieves and their consorts, commercial and tribunal counsellors and where everyday life penetrates – without restraint, cruelly and ridiculously with all its stupid chances and so necessary dreams… lt is a play showing how pride and purity, vanity and naivety participate in destroying the affection and love of Caroline and Casimir.

Viki Janoušková


director: Juraj Nvota
translation: Ladislav Obuch
dramaturgy: Mirka Čibenková
music: Michal Ničík
choreography: Ondrej Šoth
set and costumes: Mona Hafsahl
cast: Boris Farkaš, Anna Šišková, Vlado Černý, Peter Debnár, Marián Zednikovič, Miroslav Noga, Zuzana Krónerová, Szidi Tobias, Katarina Križanová, Janko Lehotský, Ľubo Gregor, Michal Ničík