Jungle Book

The Puppet Theatre (now The Old Theatre) in Nitra, 1994
Author: Ondrej Spišák
Directed by Ondrej Spišák

about production

Stage production of the Puppet Theatre in Nitra has originated as a tribute to one of the most significant book s for children and adults, The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kippling. lt is already a centennial anniversary since the Jungle Book was published for the first time. Ondrej Spišák, the full-time director employed by the Puppet Theatre in Nitra, adapted the Jungle Book and staged it in cooperation with although young, but already experienced theatre staff. Ondrej Spišák composed the play as a symphony of a picture based on a classical technique of a black theatre. That is why, the dominant parts of the adaptation became visual art and music, permanently referring the audience to the sphere of elementary feelings and emotions which are enabling, as if anew, to perceive a miracle of life and relations between live beings.

Jungle Book is already the 138th premiere of the Puppet Theatre in Nitra, the second oldest professional theatre in Slovakia. At its birth were such personalities, like Milan Ivák, Ľudovít Ozábal and Ján Romanovský, the author, director, artistic director and manager, whose elementary driver system of the puppet „yavayka” is known to this day as „the Nitra Puppeteer School”.

Later on, local and guest directors, the likes of Ján Hižnay, Pavol Uher, Marián Lajcha, Ctibor Turba, Karel Brožek, Jozef Mokoš and many others followed the success of the theatre founders. Theatre ensemble led by them, achieved number of awards at the festivals and tours at home and abroad (e.g., Bulgaria, Russia, Hungary, Rumania, Poland, Egypt, Belgium, Germany, India, lraq, Holland, Greece, Turkey and France). The proof that this theatre remains also today faithful to its successful tradition, is also the fact, that only during the previous theatre season it participated at the festivals in Vienna, Lisbon and Serbian Subotica, where it won the awards for a collective animation and actor's best performance.


script and director: Ondrej Spišák
script editing: Ivan Gontko
set design: František Lipták
music: Michal Ničík
cast: Rudo Kratochvíl, Ivan Gontko, Vladimír Zetek, Danica Hudáková, Oľga Schrameková, Roman Valkovič, Rúth Bánovská, Rozália Bóriová, Július Jenis, Marianna  Kysučanová, Marta Siková, Anna Šinkorová, Mária Záturová