about production
Drama ensemble of the Jonáš Záborský Theatre (DJZ) experiences remarkable changes in 1989, which deal with director Eduard Gürtler and young actors, who have joined the DJZ Drama ensemble, and their persistent interest in the stage productions of a musical character. Under Gürtler's leadership in the theatre, such stage productions were born as Lysistrata, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Manger Story The Animals' Farm by Orwell and children's musical The Sold Laughter.
Milan Antol, a new ambitious art director, has also followed tendency designed by Gürtler. In the previous season, Antol staged Painted on Glass by Ernest Bryll. lts director's explanation is rather influenced by considerable financial problems. The originally designed costly stage production turned to be a subtle folk musical which is set in the almost empty stage. Director Milan Antol has impressed, most of all, young audience by avant-garde costumes and deflection from almost a classical Zachar-style concept, which triumphs already with its coming 500th night in the Slovak National Theatre (SND) in Bratislava. Thanks to a perfect unification of all director's approaches, a gorgeous stage production was born, based on the playful principle, improvisation and inspiring imagination. Yanoshik-like motif is just some kind of a starting point, it serves only as a basic model which incessantly changes, varies and intentionally moves. One can enjoy naive folklore expression, parody, absurd grotesque and vaudeville follies, accompanied by the quartet of musicians.
Variety of genres in the stage production, guarded by an adequate sense of good taste, cascade of director's invention and imagination, as well as spontaneous thespians' action draw an attention of renowned theatre critics.
Creative artist of the second stage production, presented by the Jonas Záborský Theatre (DJZJ ensemble at the Theatre Festival Nitra '94, is Ivan Holub, a young ambitious director. Holub has staged such remarkable plays like, for example, Waltz of Coincidence by Häim, Merlin by Dorst, and others originally performed in the Great Rehearsal Room and later, due to the technical inconveniences, on the experimental stage of the Prešov Theatre Studio. Poetry and creative work of this director is extremely non-traditional, what was also proved by the staged comedy. “Through the Key-hole” by J. Orton, which entirely involves the audience, enjoying the shower of director's inventive devices, imagination and sophisticatedly driven gags.
libretto: Ernest Bryll
music: Katarzyna Gärtnerová
translation: Emília Štercová
adaptation and director: Milan Antol
set design: Vladimír Čáp
script editing: Tatiana Masníková
choreography: Ladislav Bačinský
assistant director: Jana Pilzová
cast: Ivan Krúpa, Jozef Fila, Dušan Brandýs, Peter Lejko, Anna Kukoľová, Stanislav Pitoňák, Peter Szollos, Adriana Kudláčková, Ľudmila Dutková, Róbert Kobezda, Jitka Krišková, Jana Pilzová, Zuzana Kúšiková, Mária Sándorová, Vladimír Petruf, Ingrid Janošová, Daniel Haničík, Andrej Belej