Short Plays

Théâtre du Shaman, Lyon, France, 2000
Author: Samuel Beckett
Directed by Bruno Meyssat

about the production

(Quoi ou – Impromptu d’Ohio – Catastrophe – Pas)

The selected four short plays make up a production which is more than just a testimony of a creator through the medium of theatre. lt is the essential matter of his perception of the world, a means far absolute expression of his approach to life, a perfect merging with the author's text. Just like Beckett, Bruno Meyssat is an independent loner who tries to create everything himself, who suffers from noise and multiplicity of life on Earth.

With Beckett he has in common the use of silence as tension in which one preceives the undescribable, the ability to concentrate, focus on a goal, simplification to the extent of removal of plot, which guides us into the depth of the play, enables us to see things which have never been seen yet, hear sounds the way we have never heard them.

Meyssaťs 'lessons in perception' based on minimalistic means of expression (terse text, area far acting limited to 36 square metres, restricting costume and minute lighting) resemble time measurement machines, while his 'African' experience recalls Saint-Exupery's encounter with eternity. After sparklingly expressive and extrovert examples of the French theatre at the Divadelná Nitra lntemational Theatre Festival performed by Philippe Genty, Jerome Thômas, Joseph Nadj and the Oz Theaterland or Malabar companies, France is this time presented by a totally introvert piece, immersed in itself.



directed by Bruno Meyssat
assistant director: David Moccelin
stage desing and Jighting: Bruno Meyssat
assistant: Claude Husson
sound: Olivier Lecrocq
sound directed by: Alain Lamarche
costume design: Gisèle Madelaine
administration: Hélène Petitprez

Gérard Belliard, Philippe Cousin, Élisabeth Doll, Éric Laguigné, Élisabeth Moreau, Jean-Michel Rivinoff
Production: Théâtre du Shaman – Lyon, Théâtre Gérard Philippe-Saint-Denis, Live Music Group – Lyon, with technical assistance of Odéon – Théâtre de l'Europe – Paris


Bruno Meyssat (1959) 

He is the author, director and stage designer of over twenty pieces far the theatre, manager of Theâtre du Shaman, which he founded in 1981, as well as author of stage and lighting design far projects by other creators. His productions have made guest appearances in a number of French towns and cities and they have participated in festivals at home and abroad (ltaly, Egypt, Kenya). Far his production of Ajax, Son of Telamon, he received the Cairo Festival Prize for Stage Design (1991); he participated in the Avignon Festival a number of times (1991 – Ajax, Son of Telamon, 1992 – Passacaille). After gaining experience with the work by A. Strindberg (Tempest, 1996) he has recently devoted himself to work by S. Beckett, in particular to his short plays.


Materials available

Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: SK, FR

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