The Walker

TRAFIK (transitive – fiction theatre), Rijeka, Croatia, 2000
Authors: Magdalena Lupi and co.
Directed by Magdalena Lupi

about the production

hommage a Janko Polić Kamov

The production The Walker is based on life and literary work of Janko Polić Kamov, an avant-garde Croatian writer originally from Rijeka (1886 – 1910), who was well known for his obsession with walking and travelling. During his short life this 'condemned poet of anarchy and absurdity' never lived to see a single publication of his poems or plays. He has only been acknowledged at present as an important representative of European avant-garde movement of the beginning of the 20th century.

Three male actors represent various facets of Kamov's personality, while the only female participant of the project impersonates simultaneously the three women of the poet’s life: his sister Milka, girlfriend Kitty and anonymous Prostitute. The production captures Kamov's life through key moments such as his early encounter with theatre, participation in secret student societies, tragedies in his family, first loves, visits to prostitutes, unsuccessful career of a travelling sewing machines salesman or his three-months prison sentence.

An ordinary passer-by who enters the territory of this site-specific performance inevitably becomes its component part, he or she becomes engaged far the role of WALKER himself...


Author: Magdalena Lupi
Visual solution: Lara Badurina
Music: Ivan Sarar
Production: Boba Bundalo
Co-authors and performers: Iva Nerina Gattin, Alex Dakovié, Edvin Liverié, Zak B. Valenta


Magdalena Lupi (1968)

She graduated from dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Film, Radia and Television in Slovenian Ljubljana. Since 1993 she has been working as a dramaturgist in the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka, where she has been participating in many productions of classical and modem world dramatic repertoire. She is herself an author of puppet plays and theatre dramatizations, she also writes film scripts. In her own theatre projects, she experiments with combining site-specific procedures, pantomime and physical theatre.

TRAFIK (transitive fiction theatre) is an independent theatre from Croatian Rijeka dedicated to experimenting in performing arts. It is made up of playwright Magdalena Lupi, a group of professional actors (Edvin Liverié, Alex Daković, lak B. Valenta and Iva Nerina Gattin), sculptor and scenographer Lara Badurina, composer Ivan Šarar and producer Boba Bundalo.

Since 1 June 1998, when the group presented its Walker project in Rijeka far the first time, it has made successful guest appearances at many Croatian and international theatre events: The Karantena II festival in Dubrovnik, the Zagreb Eurokaz and the Mladi levi festival in Slovenian Ljubljana.