about the production
Stars is a big-beat retro-musical whose author Karel David, and the Thespian Section of the Brno Cabinet of Muses are daring enough to belittle the stereotype of political brawls with purports bombastically inflated, free of humour and stigmatized by apathy of the public. It is a sarcastically unmerciful view of those being in their late teens in the summer of 1968 by people born between 1960 and 1970.
Stars is an easy-going view full of caricatures but able to depict the era with a near-to-plastic authenticity. The story is simple, describing preparations far a small – town celebration of some anniversary, then the festivity itself: trite desires of girls studying at the local school of commerce, young dreams and ephemeral revolts, adjusted by ideologists of local authorities and wrecked by liberators arriving hurriedly to ensure further twenty years of Stalinism to the tottering atmosphere of mugwumps. All that presented in the vivid style of a musical teeming with hits, invoking the spirit of the late sixties with remarkable accuracy, framed in the beer-reeking mood of a hick-town dance featuring its guests of prominence and converging unstoppably on the fatal August night. But the authors do not stop there; the fates of protagonists are „predicted” until 1992 with the same irony, generation disdain and sibylline accuracy. Following a geyser of unfettered merriment both at the stage and in the audience there is a sudden chill among the spectators. In my opinion this first-night show in the Brno Cabinet of Muses is a turning point in the search for new pathways {rom indifference to excitation, in the audacity to poke into the fragile temple of November ideas.
Jiří P. Kříž
script and director: Karel David and company
set: Tomáš Rusín
choreography: Simona Kracíková
script editor: Miloš Černoušek
cast: Johana Rusínová, Dana Poláková, Naďa Kovárová, Simona Elsnerová, Monika Maláčová, Gustav Řezníček, Tomáš Rusín, Michal Zavadil, Štěpán Rusín, Miroslav Kumhala, Milan Sedláček, Miloš Černoušek, Jaroslav „Šimako" Ludvík, Karel Habák, Jiří Nebenfiihr, Martin Dohnal, Martin Netoušek, Ján Martinkovič, Petr Zavadil, Martin Valíček, Karel David, Petr Hromádka