A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Oskaras Korśunovas Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2000
Author: William Shakespeare
Directed by Oskaras Korśunovas

about the production

The production originated as a student performance with students of Acting at the Lithuanian Academy of Dramatic Arts. Today it is successfully staged not only at theatre festivals, but also in the national theatre. The production is creative, youthful, brisk and characterised by high culture of movement. lt is based on emotion and harmony of collective partnership. The director makes do with minimum scenic tools (wooden boards) and excellent work with actors. We will admire the psychological, but above all physical variability and the relaxed state of the performers. They accomplish acrobatic feats spiced with a considerable dose of the director's imagination, staging resourcefulness and wit. The wild and unfettered energy of the performance brings the physical theatre alive in the best sense of the word.



director, choreographer, stage and costume design: Oskaras Korśunovas
music: Gintaras Sodeika

Theseus, Oberon: Mindaugas Lungis, Hippolyta, Titania 1.: Alina Zujytë,  Egeus, Flute, Mustardseed: Nerijus Gadliauskas, Hermia: Airida Gintautaitë, Helena: Rasa Samuolytë, Lysander: Darius Gumauskas, Demetrius: Rytis Saladţđius, Philostrate, Quince: Gintautas Rylidkis, Snout: Sonata Visockaitë, Starveling: Ţivilë Ðimkienë, Snug, Titania II: Eglë Valytë, Bottom: Andrius Paulavicius, Titania III: Daiva Siurblytë, Fairy: Rasa Kulytë, Fairy II, Peaseblossom: Asta Jastremskaitë. Puck: Kristina Jakubauskaitë, Elves: Tomas lvanauskas, Karina Metrikytë


Oskaras Korśunovas (1969)

In 1993 he graduated from directing at the Lithuanian Musical Academy under Jonas Vaitkus. Alongside Nekrošius, Tuminas and Varnas he is the most outstanding (the youngest) personality of the contemporary Lithuanian and European theatre. His productions regularly participate in important international festivals. He has won attention by theatre treatment of texts by the Oberiut literary group (Daniil Harms and Alexander Vvedenski: Old Woman I and II; There to Be Here; Hello Sonya… etc.).

Recently he has produced contemporary international plays: B. M. Coltès' Roberto Zucco, M. Ravenhilľs Shopping and Fucking and M. von Mayenburg's Fire Face. His productions have been successfully presented at the Avignon and Edinburgh Festivals, at Baltoscandal, euro-scene Leipzig, at festivals in Austria, Russia, Estonia, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Poland, ltaly and France. He has won a number of awards and well-deserved attention of international critics. This year he has participated in an Avignon Festival project called THEOREM, where apart from the joint piece (Hotel Europa) he produced a drama rendering of The Master and Margarita. The Midsummer Nighťs Dream and Shopping and Fucking received the Lituanian critics prize for the best director of the season – Golden Christophoros '99.