about the production
In Ivona, possibly the most complicated of Gombrowicz's dramas, Leszczuk exposed not only the absurdity of life and the conflict of free will and conventions, he also displayed the animality and bursting eroticism in a man's behaviour bound by his / her own social rank or human culture in principle. He disguised the erotic layers of Gombrowicz's philosophy, however, he did not diminish it of its enigma and strength. That helped him to present Gombrowicz to the audience as a young and living, as Gombrowicz was when he, in his thirties, was working on the drama.
directed and music by: Horst Leszczuk
stage design: Barbara Hanicka
choreography: Agnieszka Taska
GiTeacher: Mun Gun Sung
Ivona: Magdalena Cielecka, Kráľ lgnacy: Mieczyslaw Grąbka, Kráľovna Małgorzata: Anna Polony, Princ Filip: Marek Kalita, Szambelan: Roman Gancarczyk, lza: Beata Fudalej / Katarzyna Tlałka, Dáma Jolanta: Katarzyna Gniewkowska, Dáma Dominanta: Dorota Pomykała, Cyril: Cezary Kosiński, Zbigniew W. Kaleta, Cyprián: Piotr Cyrwus, Teta Flora: Ewa Kolasińska, Teta Faura: Aldona Grochal, lnocent: Jacek Romanowski, Valent, Žobrák, Sudca: Boleslaw Brzozowski, Kancelár: Juliusz Grabowski, Maršal: Kazimierz Borowiec, Komorník: Edward Wnuk, Tanec Šialenec: Ryszard Ostromcki
Horst Leszczuk (1968) finished philosophy and directing art at the State Drama Academy in Krakow. He is a traveller, mystifier and eccentric. The pseudonym hides Grzegorz Jarzyna, one of the youngest and at the same time most remarkable Polish personalities of latest seasons (his direction debut Tropical Elation written by Witkiewicz was performed at DN '97 then under his pseudonym Grzegorz Horst ďAlbertis). Jarzyna's stage poetics is genuine, it manifests the otherness and peculiarities of the stage and resists realism. Although he draws upon the semiotic system of contemporary mass culture, he confronts the stereotypes and flops of the popular culture with the horror of the unexperienced to disguise their grotesque cover.
Materials available
Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: PL
If you are interested in these materials, write to archivy@nitrafest.sk