The Tempest

V. F. Komissarzhevska Dramatic Academic Theatre, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000
Author: William Shakespeare
Directed by Alexander Morfov

about the production

Scenic version of Alexander Morfov in two acts

In the production and through his eyes the performance changes into a philosophical fairy tale full of meaningful stage attraction and irony, fresh playfulness, wild imagination and unrestricted sense perceptions. It is about love, destiny and fatality, about a new Prospero who regards the possibilities of free human action with cynical scepticism. The director combines a number of theatre genres, elements of high drama and plebeian displays The grotesque and the post-realistic find themselves side by side, as do actors´ improvisation in the commedia dell´arte style or circus acrobatic feats. The director´s style is often referred to as fantasque realism. The Tempest becomes a testimony of present times and the contemporary feeling of life. A play about a world after all ideals have ben lost. A liberated ´rowdy´ performance in which illusion and reality keep competing, and each wants the viewer to take its side.

This year the production has been included in the dozen best Russian drama productions aspiring for an award in the Golden Mask 2000 competition. The Moscow critics welcomed it warmly and awarded the legendary Emil Kapeliush the Best Stage Design Prize. The production was also presented in Germany and at the Shakespeare Festival of Theatru Gedanese in Poland in 1999.



director, adaptation and selection of music: Alexander Morfov (BG)
translation: Mikhail Donskiy
stage and costume design: Emil Kapeliush
choreographer: Sergey Gritsay

Alonso: Anatoliy Chudoleyev, Sebastian, Stephano: Yevgeniy Ivanov, Prospero: Vladimir Letenkov, Antonio, Trinculo: Alexander Bolshakov, Ferdinand: Genadiy Smirnov, Gonzalo, Caliban: Anatoliy Gorin, Adrian, Musician: Sergey Geibakh, Ariel, Mariner: Rodion Prichodko, Miranda: Yevgenia lgumnova





Alexander Morfov (1960)

He started in the theatre as a stage hand and lights engineer. In 1990 he graduated from Film and Theatre Directing, as well as Puppet Theatre Directing, at the State Academy of Theatre Art in Sofia. At the beginning of the 90s in Sofia he produced A. Jarry 's Ubu Roi and W. Shakespeare's Hamlet. He is also famous far his acting in several Bulgarian films. His theatre productions participated in a number of theatre festivals: Casablanca 1994, Vienna, Kiev 1995 (Enchanted Night), Torun 1996 (Enchanted Night), NET Moscow 1998 (Lower depth). The latest productions he directed: Decameron (Macedonia, 1998), Don Quijote starring Alexandr Kalyagin (Moscow "Etc." Theatre, 1998). Since 1994 he has been the chief director and since last year also the art manager of Ivan Vazov National Theatre in Sofia.

Materials available

Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: SK, RU

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