about the production
Hamlet staged by the Kishinyov theatre company offers an unusual interpretation, where the violent events are understood from the perspective of a well-known idea "to be or not to be". The characters, in director's highly spiritual vision, do not develop through their own activity - searching for power, desire to avenge or desire for justice. They are lured by the immense and incessant death attraction which is a pass to the other world, to the world of clear feelings and rediscovered innocence. To the world of quietude which comes only after suffering and death.
directed by Sandu Vasilache
stage design: Petru Balan
costume design: Stela Verebceanu
Hamlet: Ion Rusu; Hamlet (father): Igor Chistol; Hamlet (child): Nadia Zubcu; Gertruda: Silvia Luca, Angela Ciobanu; Claudius: Emil Gaju; Polonius: Ion Mocanu, Vitalie Cărăuş; Ofelia: Nicoleta Colţun; Laertes: Dorian Boguţă; Horatio: Valentin Ghibaltovschi, Ion Alici; Yorick: Anatol Durbală
Director Sandu Vasilache (1964) graduated from the Department of Directing Art at the Kishinyov Institute of Arts. He also earned a degree in acting at the lnstitute of Cinematography in Moscow. He is an expert at classical drama. The specific feature of his productions is the very precise aesthetic form. All the elements of a performance are closely connected, equally important and polysemantic: scene, music, lighting, actors…
Materials available
Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: MO
If you are interested in these materials, write to archivy@nitrafest.sk