Sister Anxiety

Theatre of Dejvice, Prague, Czech Republic, 1995
Authors: Jan Čep, Jakub Deml, Jan Antonín Pitínský
Directed by Jan Antonín Pitínský

about the production

"Stage production of the Dejvice Theatre Sister Anxiety or the Kisses in the Fields is some kind of a fairy, imaginary pilgrimage, summarising the life of the dying poet Prokop (the alter ego of both Čep and Deml), leading to the places of his childhood and adolescence in the Moravian countryside. It is a feverish vision, a pilgrimage across the "blown" country, during which the poet is accompanied by the only character – the Death. The Death which is mysterious and alluring, playful and guileful, cruel and fondling, omnipresent. And out of the fog of reminiscences and recollections, clear and less clearly outlined contours of the figures are revealed – shadows of people, various odd and amusing persons, the cards, eccentrics, carnival creatures, masks and phantoms, all those who interwove his life and world. And among them, Mathilda, the poet´s love of his life, appears, disappears, vanishes and evaporates all the time. In a precisely designed, thorough black-and-white stage production she appears the only one, at the end, in conclusion to all, dressed in dark red. As if only after her death and perhaps also in her final dream only, the poet is able to fall in love with her, in all his blood, entirely with his body, his soul and his heart. Dream and reality, life and death, heaven and universe in the stage production merge in the very same way as in the works of the above-mentioned authors. Value of the stage production does not consist in performance of the actors, even though it is an extremely powerful and catchy performance of brilliant style, intentional from the point of view of choreography and compact in a deep, concentrated way, precise in its substance, but it consists in the purely poetic, persona! and spicy authentic depiction of a torment of life, grief of love, eternity of the everlasting and omnipresent Death and painful desolation of a lonely man, the Poet."

(Vladimír Hulec)


script and director: J. A. Pitínský
stage set: Egon Tobiáš
costumes: Zuzana  Štefunková
music: Vratislav Šrámek (using the motifs of the adapted folk songs by Erwin Schulhoff  and Leoš Janáček)
cast: Lenka Svadbíková, Peter Varga, Michaela Saxonová, Jan Vondráček, Ivana Lokajová,  Pavel Tesař, Martin Matejka, Čeněk Koliáš, Martin Veliký


Director of the play, Jan Antonín Pitínský (born in 1956) could be characterised as one of a few multi-instrumentalists of the Czech and Moravian theatrical life. Plays staged by him are distinguished by exceptional choreography and more than that by an impressive visual art stylisation.

And not only by this. What attracts you the most, it is a director ·s ability to play with a topic and a subject in an intellectual way and to create a specific theatrical World of Magic of his own, full of provocation and ethos. J. A. Pitínský is a director, a playwright, a scriptwriter, an actor and a co­founder of theatre groups and ensembles. The plays: drama The Mother, naive novel The Park, The Sweet Little Room, Bulldog Stuff. The latest plays directed by J. A. Pitínský: 1993 – S. Mráz: The Strong One In Zoology, Theatre on the Balustrade, 1993 – J. Ondruš: I am Sitting In a Room (an old study in yellow), The L. Novomeský Theatre in Bratislava. 1994 – S. Mráz: Carnival At the Sprites, DAMU Prague, 1994 – G. Green: The Heart of the Matter, Theatre on the Balustrade, 1995 – Fellini, Rondi, Plaiano, Pinelli, Bláhová: The Eight and Half (and half), the City Theatre of Zlín, 1995 – J. Čep – J. Deml: Sister Anxiety, Theatre of Dejvice, 1995 – T. Rychetský: The Innocent Ones Are Innocent, A-studio Rubín.