
Teatr Polski, Wroclaw, Poand, 1995
Author: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Directed by Jerzy Jarocki

about the production

The present day of the Theatre Polski is a continuation of its best traditions. It has always managed to harmoniously combine modern repertoire with classics, world drama with Polish works: Shakespeare with Slowacki, Różewicz with Ionesco. A strong influence on the Polski Theatre was exerted by the strong personalities of such directors as Jerzy Grzegorzewski and Jerzy Jarocki. The Polski Theatre has staged numerous longlasting meetings of eminent creative artists of contemporary world theatre, including among others Jerzy Grotowski, Peter Brook, Jean-Louis Barrault, and Pina Bausch, with the theatregoing public. On the large stage of the Theatre Tadeusz Kantor presented nearly all premieres of the Cricot Theatre. The Theatre, deeply immersed in the stream of international festivals and itself the organizer of the Contemporary Drama Festival for the last thirty years, has built up an extensive web of contacts at home and abroad. In 1994 alone, the Theatre presented its performances in Chicago, Bonn, and Cairo. In 1994 the Theatre Criticism Club proclaimed the Polski Theatre in Wroclaw the best theatre of the 1993/1994 season, and its spectacle Platonov, directed by Jerzy Jarocki, the most notable theatre performance of that season in Poland.


adaptation and director: Jerzy Jarocki
set design: Andrzej Witkowski
music: Krzesimir Dębski
choreography: Leszek Czarnota
cast: Halina Skoczyńska, Wojciech Kościelniak, Ewa Skibińska, Boguslaw Danielewski, Marek Feliksiak, Jacek Mikołajczak, Jolanta Fraszyńska, Zygmunt Bielawski, Miłogost Reczek, Edwin Petrykat, Henryk Niebudek, Andrzej Mrożek, Krzysztof Dracz, Krystyna Maksymowicz, Jolanta Zalewska, Stanisław Melski, Albert Narkiewicz,  Cezary Kussyk, Alżbieta Czaplińska Rafał Dynda, Urban Płaza, Michal Nesterowicz, Igor Gawlikowski, Marcin Płaza


Jerzy Jarocki (born 1929) completed the theatrical art at Kraków – PWST (1952) and direction in Moscow (GITIS). After return to Poland he made his debut by Jasieński´s Bal Manekinów (Dummy Ball) at the Wyspiański's Theatre in Katowice. He cooperated with this theatre from 1957 to 1962. He has been employed at the Teatr Stary in Kraków since 1 September 1962 until now. During 1958 – 72 he made some plays in the Teatr Wspólczesny (Contemporary Theatre) in Wroclaw, and in 1972 – 82 in the Teatr Dramatyczny in Warsaw. He directs also abroad in Zürich, Nowy Sad, Nuremberg and Wuppertal. His performances were awarded many times during the Festival of Polish contemporary plays in Wroclaw. Jerzy Jarocki has been teaching theatrical art at Kraków PWST since 1966. He received many awards far his contribution to art and culture until now.

Materials available

Video of the production: no
Script of the production: PL

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