about the production
In Miler's strategy of direction the fairy-tale comedy becomes a refined dramatic utterance on the borders limiting the modem life. Fairy-tale motifs are being involved in the reality expressed in the postromantic and postmodern poetics. Grandious scene, costumes, stylized choreography and actor's expression on one side, and the purely realistic moments of the plot on the other side, are assembled into the series of situations full of intelligent humour and irony, unexpected ups and downs of fortune. The classical Büchner's play was thus transferred to modem and general valid dimensions.
director: Eduard Miler
translation and adaptation: Eduard Miler, Tomaž Toporišič, Maruša Oblak, Ivan Rupnik
choreography: Ann Papoulis
script editing: Tomaž Toporišič
stage design: Meta Hočevar
costume design: Alan Hranitelj
music: Boris Kovač
light design: Matjaž Brišar
characters and cast:
Leonce: Ivan Rupnik, Valério: Ivo Godnič, Kráľ Peter: Niko Goršič, Princezná Lena: Nataša Barbara Gračner, Maruša Oblak, Vychovávateľka: Marinka Štern, Rozeta: Maruša Oblak, Nataša Barbara Gračner, Prezident: Miloš Battelino, Ceremoniár: Kazimir Koch, Vychovávateľ: Sandi Pavlin, Dvor: Kazimir Koch, Mojca Partljič, Milena Grm, Dario Varga, Olga Grad, Neda Rusjan Bric, Romana Šalehar
Eduard Miler (1950) graduated from the Theatrical Art Academy in Stuttgart. In 1973 – 1979 appeared in various roles at various German and Austrian theatres. In 1990 – 1994 he worked as an artistic director at the Slovenian Youth Theatre (Slovensko Mladinsko Gledališče) in Ljubljana and as a guest director in the theatres of Germany, Austria and former Yugoslavia.
The directions of A. Strindberg's Miss Julie (Ljubljana 1994), G. Büchner's Leonce and Lena (Ljubljana 1995), Wächter's Clown (Ljubljana 1995), J. B. Molière's Tartuffe (Split 1996), B. Brecht´s Wedding of a Petty Bourgeois (Zagreb 1997), and H. Müller's The Quartet and Medea Materials (Celje, 1997) belong to the most significant his career.
Materials available
Video of the production: no
Scripts of the production: SK, SI
If you are interested in these materials, write to archivy@nitrafest.sk