
The City Theatres of Prague – Theatre of Comedy, Prague, Czech Republic, 1995
Author: William Shakespeare
Directed by Jan Nebeský

about the production

“In our gentle stage production of Shakespearean tradition Hamlet directed by Jan Nebeský represents the utmost rendition of the text, or to be more exact of Hamlet’s situation, since the Gilded Era of Ewald Schorm in the very depth of the 1970·s.”

(Milan Lukeš)

“Hamlet staged by Nebeský, is a small boy who carries back and forth his children’s little stool, that very stool which the mad Ophelia afterwards puts Gertruda on as the wings. He is also a man who asks far taking an oath on the sword, who cruelly flings away Ophelia and drags the Mother, throttling her. He is a man who kills and commits people to death. Nevertheless, he is also a woman who, dressed in women’s clothes, acts the role of a fool.  He is all this and you may only guess what more can he be, or where are the limits of the play and what is beyond it. Does Hamlet show a perversion or is he really perverse himself?  The question remains not answered. The hinted deviation of sanctity can provoke the spectators so much that they may ask you: Is it to be a play narrating about perversity of a man or of the Creator? The question can be also asked: Who “wrote” that play like this: was it Shakespeare or Nebeský?” (...)

(Karel Král)



director and adaptation: Jan Nebeský
translation: Erik Antonín Saudek
script editing: Vít Kremlička
stage set: Joser Beránek
music: Irena a Vojtech Havlovi
choreography: Georgia O'Keefe
costumes: Jana Preková a NIKITA
cast: Miloš Mejzlík, David Prachar, J. A. Pitínský / Michal Dočekal, Jiří Bábek, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Jiří Štrébl, Martin Učík / Tomáš Karger, Bob Klepl, Luboš Doležal, Emma Černá, Petra Lustigová


Jan Nebeský (born in 1953), director, graduated from DAMU. He obtained a director´s contract in Hradec Králové, in the S. K. Neumann Theatre (Goethe: Stella, Ibsen: Ghosts), in Drama Club (Shepard: The Right West, Euripides: Orestés, Ibsen: John Gabriel Borkman). He gave guest performances in Viola, at the National Theatre, in the Řeznická Street. The artistic
satisfaction far a director was that he was awarded far the stage production Ghosts at the Ibsen Festival in Oslo in 1991. For the time being, he gained a director’s contract with the Theatre of Comedy (renewed premiere of Borkman and stage production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet taken from the Roxy Club to be played at the Theatre of Comedy).