about the production
The stage production deals with drugs, drug-addicts and consequences of being drugaddict, and it speaks about all this through the mediation of an ancient German legend about a desire of a human being to learn the unknown things and to experience all what is not allowed and what is prohibited. Director uses all available theatrical means of expression in the stage production. A special emphasis is put on light effects, black theatre elements, play with puppets, performance of the actors and all this prevails on the background of a real rock concert live performed by an outstanding rock band of Nitra. What can we add to this? It is a hot topic precisely designed, alchemy of theatrical means of expression, a perfect and purposeful play from the point of view of visual art and music and somewhere beyond all this we can recognise a strongly resounding suggestion of a real theatrical experience.
director and script: Ondrej Spišák
script editing and script: Ivan Gontko
set design: Ivan Hudák
music and lyrics: Znovu pod zemou / Under the Ground Again: Rišo Uljanko, Marcel Nevin, Juro Khun, Martin Kalinka, Andrej Kalinka
music by Claudio Monteverdi
cast: Vlado Zetek, Roman Valkovič, Olga Schrameková, Ivan Gontko, Rudo Kratochvíl, Jaroslav Strunga, Danica Nemcová
Ondrej Spišák, (born on 4 September 1964). In 1988 he began to work with the Puppet Theatre in Žilina as a full-time director. In March 1990 he left together with a stage set designer František Lipták far the State Puppet Theatre in Bratislava. Both of them created in tandem such stage productions as The Evil Ghost Lumpacivagabundus (equivalent of the Villain Blackguard-an Rascal, the Scoundrel) by J. Nestroy – A. Ferko, Christopher Columbus by P. Claudel. In 1990, he jointly with František Lipták established a civil association, Teatro Tatro theatre, a freelance association gathering a director, a stage set designer, the actors, their wives and children. At Teatro Tatro Ondrej Spišák staged the play by M. de Ghelderode Sir Hallewin in 1990, Minas tirith – Minas morgul in 1993, based upon the book by J. C. Tolkien, and Ballad for a Bandit in 1995. The 1992 year is evidence of Spišák 's come-back to his native town of Nitra. He began to work with the Puppet Theatre. Ondrej Spišák collaborates with other theatres, far example, he staged the play Wind in the Tree Tops of Sassafras by René de Obaldia at the Andrej Bagar Theatre (DAB) and Robinson at the Warsaw Theatre Lalki.