Gulp (Blasphemy in Motifs)

GUnaGU, Bratislava, 1992
Author: Vladimír Balek, Viliam Klimáček, Ivan Mizera, Aleš Votava
Directed by Aleš Votava

about the production

They do not like being called “amateur” or “dilettantes” because it sounds a little bit “unfair”. None of the GUnaGU members have tried to make a living in the theatre, except for Mr. Votava (1962), one of the stage designers, but it does not mean that they do not live for the theatre. lt was seven years ago that the first Vestpocket was formed. This group under their “nonsensical” name have staged a dozen plays on many Bratislava stages. Obviously, the composition of the group has changed but the basis is constant: Vilo Klimáček (1958) and Ivan Mizera (1960, a doctor and mathematician, a magnificent writer and musician – both are exceptional theatre artists.

Besides these two members, the core of the group is also formed by two important female talents – Zuzana Benešová, Oľga Belešová and physicist Vladimír Balek, an author, Mária Horoščáková, a costume designer and Aleš Votava, who recently has worked not only as a stage designer but also as a director. It is obvious that for a self-writing theatre group self-writing also includes adaptations from literature, quotations or inspirations. A Gulp or Blasphemy against Motives is a metaphor of our (Czech-Slovak) urban intellectual class during the period before November 1989, of their ambitions, fashion, micro-climate and ways of self-reflections.

Martina Krénová


directed by Aleš Votava
set designer and costumes: Mária Horošcáková, Aleš Votava
music: Ivan Mizera
cast: Vladimír Balek, Oľga Belešová, Zuzana Benešová, Viliam Klimáček, Ivan Mizera