Let Us Dream

The Puppet Theatre (now The Old Theatre) in Nitra, 1996
Author: Ondrej Spišák, Ivan Gontko
Directed by Ondrej Spišák

about the production

Text was based on the book The Adventures oj Baran Munchhausen, in collaboration with a team of performing actors. The stage production is another play in the style of Budkáčik and Dubkáčik (Two Piglets) by J C. Hronský, giving a challenging opportunity to children, as spectators, to be involved in the action, supporting the plot and co­ creating the staty. The play, designed for children, at the same time involves the children, and is an adventurous journey with the boasting Baran Prál, at the end ofwhich there is an understanding that "any dream may come true".


music compilation and director: Ondrej Spišák
script: Ivan Gontko, Ondrej Spišák a kol.
script editing: Ivan Gontko
setteng: Ivan Hudák
cast: M. Kožuch, O, Schrameková, J. Strunga, R. Kratochvíl, A. Solčianska a V. Zetek


Ondrej Spišák (1964), director of the Puppet Theatre in Nitra. His most interesting directing includes: J. N. Nestroy, A. Ferko: Evil Ghost Lumpacivagabundus (ŠBD Bratislava, 1990); Faust (based on the plays by Ch. Marlow and J. W. Goethe, BD Nitra, 1995); M. de Ghelderode: A Blood Magic (The Trnava Theatre, 1993); R. de Obaldia: Wind in the Tree Tops of  Sasafras (DAB Nitra, 1994); D. Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (Teatr Lalka Warsaw, 1994); O. Spišák: Gulliver (adaptation based on J. Swift, Bialystocki Teatr Lalek, 1996); M. de Ghelderode: Sir Halewyn (Teatro Tatro, 1990); Minas Tirith – Minas Morgul (based on the book by J. R. Tolkien, Teatro Tatro, 1993).