The Theatre On the Balustrade, Prague, Czech Republic, 1992
Author: Oleg Jurijev
Directed by Arnošt Goldflam
Year: 1992
Fondling – Not Love
The Radošina Naive Theatre, Bratislava, 1992
Author: Stanislav Štepka
Directed by: Juraj Nvota
Gulp (Blasphemy in Motifs)
GUnaGU, Bratislava, 1992
Author: Vladimír Balek, Viliam Klimáček, Ivan Mizera, Aleš Votava
Directed by Aleš Votava
Faust a Margaret
Slovak National Theatre – Opera, Bratislava, 1992
Author: Charles Gounod
Directed by Jozef Bednárik
Deep Enough (Heavy Mental)
STOKA, Bratislava, 1992
Author: Blaho Uhlár a co.
Directed by Blaho Uhlár
The Drama Observatory Zenith
The Slovenian Youth Theatre, Cosmokinetical Theatre Red Pilot, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1992
Author: Dragan Zhivadinov
Directed by Dragan Zhivadinov, Red Pilot
Black Hair (Who Needs You)
The Jonáš Záborský Theatre, Prešov, 1992
Author: Peter Scherhaufer
Directed by Peter Scherhaufer
Waiting for Bohoš
The Slovak Chamber Theatre (before National Uprising Theatre), Martin, 1992
Author: Štefan Korenči, Róbert Mankovecký
Directed by Štefan Korenči
The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava, 1992
Author: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Jaroslav Vostrý
Directed by Anton Šulík
Andrišku, Andrišku,… (Geese, Geese, Where Are You Flying to?)
The Jonáš Záborský Theatre, Prešov, 1992
Author: Mikuláš Kočan
Directed by Jozef Prážmári