about the production
This first professional group, whose foundation came about thanks to the changed situation in the ČSFR after 1989, was set up as a result of their effort at achieving an individual self-written dramatic statement based on the principle of so-called decomposition rejecting the plot and the dramatic text as the basis of staging and vice versa. lt is based on the authentic feelings and experiences of the actors which finally forms an expressive dramatic mosaic of a man's immediate state. The subjectivity connected with suggestivity – if we do not meet in opinion we will meet in feeling, it we do not meet in feeling we will meet in the stage portrayal. We may accept or re1ect it. But we cannot be indifferent to it. Uhlár and Karásek (1951, 1960), a director and stage designer, attack spectators with unanswered questions such as Who are we? Where are we going? Surrealistic pictures, cruel visions, unreal dreams, never-ending desires, irony, black humour and the sentiment of hope can be found in DEEP ENOUGH. too.
Dana Sliuková
directed by Blaho Uhlár
set designer and costumes: Miloš Karásek
music: Ľubo Burgr
cast: Jozef Chmel, Erika Fábryová, Laco Kerata, Lucia Piussi, Veronika Turanová, Táňa Uhrecká, Vlado Zboroň