about the production
Dramatization of the same name novel (1933) by Jozef Cíger-Hronský (1896 – 1960), a teacher, an editor, a representative of the Slovak National Cultural Institution Matica Slovenská, who, in 1945, left his native land and immigrated forever. He has been considered a predecessor of Slovak lyric prose, he was accused by official Socialist literature critics of anti-Socialist opinions and standpoints and ideology conservativism. Creative artists made an attempt to create from the novel, a dramatic vision on the life of a human being who symbolizes suffering and humility.
dramatisation: Marek Maďarič, Martin Kákoš
guest director: Martin Kákoš
script editing: Jana Liptáková
stage set: František Perger
guest costume designer: Miloš Pietor
guest music: Víťazoslav Kubička
characters and cast: Jozef Mak: Branislav Bystriansky, Watchmaker: Ivan Vojtek, Mother: Táňa Radeva, Jula, Virgin Mary: Lucia Lapišáková, Maruša: Jana Valocká / Elena Podzámska, Jano Mak: Marcel Ochránek / Jozef Domonkoš
and others: Dušan Lenci, Eva Hlaváčová, Ernest Šmigura, Anton Živčic, Marián Labuda ml., Ján Greššo, Vladimír Bartoň, Ivo Hlaváček , Adela Gáborová, Oľga Hudecová, Dana Kuffelová, Kamila Beťková, Martin Ondica / Tomáš Kóša, Peter Vörös.
Martin Kákoš (born in 1955) works without a permanent engagement as a theatre, television and radio director, and is the author of numerous television, radio and theatre adaptations.
Most significant directing includes: DAB Nitra: Don Juan Is Coming Horne from War (von Horvath); Poetic troupe o Nová scéna Bratislava: Day Longer Than a Human Being Age (Aytmatov), The Gospel According to St. Jonáš (Horák); TV: Ballad On Dead Eyes (Jašík), A Witch Hunt (Enquist).