about the production
The dramatization of the prose written by Martin Kukučín, a classicist Slovak literature, is an attempt to reveal the inner world of a mentallyretarded man, a "villagefool", sentenced to be an outstder. The Prešov Theatre set the story in a cooperative located in an eastern Slovak village with authentic costume design, music, and language.
director and dramatization: Matúš Oľha
music: Norbert Bodnár
stage set: Štefan Hudák
costumes: Vlado Číp
script editing: Vasil Turok
assistant director: Eugen Libezňuk
characters and cast: Ondraš Machuľa – Sergej Hudák, Zuzka – Vladimíra Urbanková, Mother – Valika Fürjessová, Father – Alexander Lukačenko, Ount – Natalka Milzaľová, Mother Bežanka – Ľuda Lukačíková-Kozmenková, Father Bežan – Vasil Rusiňák, Jano – Eugen Libezňuk, Countrymen – Mária Sisáková, Svetlana Michalíková, Táňa Kučerenková, Jozef Tkáč, Igor Latta, Ľubo Mindoš, Mišo Hudák, Ivan Stropkovský, Marián Murko
Matúš Oľha, born in 1959, is working with the Slovak National Uprising Theatre (DSNP) in Martin. His dramatization of the prose Decease of Paľo Ročko by B. S. Timrava is Oľha's most important contemporary directing (presented at Divadelná Nitra '95 Festival and Mittelfest '96 Cividale in Italy).
In addition, Oľha directed the television series Papaterce, folk theatre based on the works of J. Lavrík. Matúš Oľha focuses on adaptations of classic, original Slovak novels. His stage productions are distinguished by precisely designed psychological penetration and an introspective sketches of the characters, as well as by an extremely sensitive composition of visual art and musical elements.